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15 лет 9 месяцев 4 дня назад
жизнь, в прекрасном мире суровых и несправедливых реалий... We live in the Beautiful world.... --------------------------------------------------------------------
All of them --------------------------------------------------------------------
♪ιllιlι Michael Jackson|| Bob Marley|| Justin Timberlake|| Lady Gaga||Colin Hay|| U2|| Augustana|| Journey|| Кино|| Ария|| Aerosmith|| Scorpions|| Nirvana|| Linkin Park|| Наутилус Помпилиус|| Moby|| Mika|| Chris Brown|| Elvis Presley|| Queen|| Aqua|| A-ha|| Joshua Radin|| Beyonce|| 30 second to mars|| JayZ|| ATB|| Enigma|| Toto|| Gorillaz|| Киш|| Dub fx|| Kayne West|| The Fray|| Nightwish|| ZZ Top|| Rolling Stones|| Black sabbath|| AC|DC|| Sex Pistols|| The Black Eyed Peas|| Bee Gees|| Alizee|| Akon|| Usher|| One Republic|| The Beatles|| Roddie Williams|| Борис Гребенщиков||Willie Nelson|| Cary Brothers|| Rayan Adams|| Thomas Newman|| Country|| Coldplay|| William fitzsimmons|| Matt Wertz|| Remy zero|| filter|| lifehouse||David gray|| 2Pac||And much more.......... --------------------------------------------------------------------
All of them ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I can't Read.... --------------------------------------------------------------------
TV ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Either Way, I'll Break Your Heart Someday...
Everybody lies...
You are such a fools...
They spun a web for me...
you are not alone...
never can say goodbye...
Passion Play....
Every teardrop is a waterfall...
Give me real don't give me fake...
We all falling love sometimes...
We live in the beautiful world...
legen....wait for it....Dary!!!...
Look at the stars...Look how they shine for you..=)
Shit happend