
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Антон сделал общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Антоне Звонове. Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.

Антон Звонов фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Антон Звонов

Был онлайн 23 декабря 2020 в 03:30:18

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 125

  • VK ссылка:id135515267
  • О себе:] Unrevolutionized GreeN | ] unadulTerated DREAM [* военнослужащий госслужащий безработный предприниматель-пенсионер-руководитель-рабочий-домохозяйка-менеджер-специалист-студент <Нюра> пишем уже сюда...так? <Нюра> так <Нюра> вот <Нюра> так вот <Нюра> в смысле <Нюра> о чем это я? <Нюра> тьфу забыла Information older than instant is possibly no longer endorsed! 😜😜 The conditions under which I live absolutely MUST, at practically all times, be favorable, safe, hassle-free, and quickly and easily enjoyable, and if they are not that way it's awful and horrible and I can't bear it. I can't ever enjoy myself at all. My life is impossible and hardly worth living. //don't be shy so write to me**
  • Ник:unrevolutionized_green
  • Личный сайт:https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
  • Политические взгляды:либертарианские
  • Источник вдохновения:квадратная сетка, parallax mapping, quadtree, гиперболическая геометрия, OpenGL 3.2, Vectrex, страдания, dependent types



⟦␈[ringing with all my self_⟫␈〉 💣 hiss… ¦¦ ТРЕЩА, ТОНИ. добро пожаловать в постискренность.

Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 14 апреля 2011 года

13 лет 3 месяца 13 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    крашу ногти

  • Любимая музыка:

    4mat, C418, Disasterpeace, Henry Homesweet, Spamtron, Hubol, 2dot0

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Страна Оз

  • Любимые книги:

    У тебя свои проблемы, у меня — свои, Open this book to die instantly, https://www.smbc-comics.com/, https://en.wikipedia.org/

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Форт Боярд, Русская рулетка

  • Любимые цитаты:


    хорошее - враг лучшего

    хороший - враг лучшего

    that which is disputed doesn't exist

    if there is the slightest doubt, do not eat it.

    Seek freedom more than you seek the world.

    In sum, the struggle for our future is not between East and West, North and South, religion or secularism, capitalism or socialism, but within all these. It is the struggle between those who cling to patterns of domination and those working for a more equitable partnership world. - Riane Eisler

    In the kingdom of ends everything has either a price or a dignity. What has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; what on the other hand is above all price and therefore admits of no equivalent has a dignity. - Immanuel Kant

    Live in the future, then build what's missing.

    Pay particular attention to things that chafe you. The advantage of taking the status quo for granted is not just that it makes life (locally) more efficient, but also that it makes life more tolerable. If you knew about all the things we'll get in the next 50 years but don't have yet, you'd find present day life pretty constraining, just as someone from the present would if they were sent back 50 years in a time machine. When something annoys you, it could be because you're living in the future.

    Everyone encourages you to grow up to the point where you can discount your own bad moods. Few encourage you to continue to the point where you can discount society's bad moods. - Paul Graham

    The less confident you are, the more serious you have to act.

    Art is either plagiarism or revolution. - Paul Gauguin

    He who does not plow, must write. - Martin A. Hansen

    The reader lives faster than life, the writer lives slower.

    Syntax is the difference between a tea spoon and an ice pick.

    The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly
    go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

    My goal at Rare was to bring products that you wouldn’t see for six to eight years and make it available as soon as possible. — Tim Stamper, founder of Rare

    Your software, your product, is nothing more than a collection of tiny details. If you don't obsess over all those details, if you think it's OK to concentrate on the "important" parts and continue to ignore the other umpteen dozen tiny little ways your product annoys the people who use it on a daily basis – you're not creating great software. Someone else is. I hope for your sake they aren't your competitor.

    The Internet is self destructing paper. A place where anything written is soon destroyed by rapacious competition and the only preservation is to forever copy writing from sheet to sheet faster than they can burn. If it’s worth writing, it’s worth keeping. If it can be kept, it might be worth writing…If you store your writing on a third party site like Blogger, Livejournal or even on your own site, but in the complex format used by blog/wiki software du jour you will lose it forever as soon as hypersonic wings of Internet labor flows direct people’s energies elsewhere. For most information published on the Internet, perhaps that is not a moment too soon, but how can the muse of originality soar when immolating transience brushes every feather?
    - Julian Assange

    Computer games are barely forty years old. Only a few words in our basic vocabulary have been established. A whole dictionary is waiting to be coined. The slate is clean. Someday soon, perhaps even in our lifetime, a game design will appear that will flash across our culture like lightning. It will be easy to recognize. It will be generous, giddy with exuberant inventiveness. Scholars will pick it apart for decades, perhaps centuries. ...


    Антон охотно делится своими фотографиями. На данный момент он загрузил в сеть 801 снимок. Ниже представлены некоторые из них (но на самом деле их значительно больше).

  • Антон Звонов фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Антоном Звоновым

  • А вот ещё снимки:

  • Антон Звонов фотография #2
  • Антон Звонов фотография #3
  • Антон Звонов фотография #4
  • Антон Звонов фотография #5
  • Антон Звонов фотография #6
  • Антон Звонов фотография #7
  • Антон Звонов фотография #8
  • Антон Звонов фотография #9
  • Антон Звонов фотография #10
  • Антон Звонов фотография #11
  • Антон Звонов фотография #12
  • Антон Звонов фотография #13
  • Антон Звонов фотография #14
  • Антон Звонов фотография #15
  • Антон Звонов фотография #16
  • Антон Звонов фотография #17
  • Антон Звонов фотография #18
  • Антон Звонов фотография #19
  • Антон Звонов фотография #20
  • Антон Звонов фотография #21
  • Антон Звонов фотография #22
  • Антон Звонов фотография #23
  • Антон Звонов фотография #24
  • Антон Звонов фотография #25
  • Антон Звонов фотография #26
  • Антон Звонов фотография #27
  • Антон Звонов фотография #28
  • Антон Звонов фотография #29
  • Антон Звонов фотография #30
  • Антон Звонов фотография #31
  • Антон Звонов фотография #32
  • Антон Звонов фотография #33
  • Антон Звонов фотография #34
  • Антон Звонов фотография #35
  • Антон Звонов фотография #36
  • Антон Звонов фотография #37
  • Антон Звонов фотография #38
  • Антон Звонов фотография #39
  • Антон Звонов фотография #40
  • Антон Звонов фотография #41
  • Антон Звонов фотография #42
  • Антон Звонов фотография #43
  • Антон Звонов фотография #44
  • Антон Звонов фотография #45
  • Антон Звонов фотография #46
  • Антон Звонов фотография #47
  • Антон Звонов фотография #48
  • Антон Звонов фотография #49
  • Антон Звонов фотография #50
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