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11 лет 5 дней назад
Twenty One Pilots— Vesel, Blurryface and trench(names of alboms)
"Sometimes quet is violent" —Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Car radio".
"...sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind"—Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Migraine".
"I morn for a kid but won't cry for a king"—Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Neon gravestones".
"Nobody thinks what you think, no one, empathy might be on the brink of extinction. They will play game and say they know what you going through, and I tried to come up with an artistic way to say — they don't know you, and neither do I" — Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Kitchen sink".
"You will die but now your life is free" — Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "truth".
"I am not as fine as I seem" — Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Migraine".
"...while you doing fine here's people and I, who get a realy tough times getting through this life, so EXCUSE US, WE WILL BE SING TO THE SKY" — Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Screen".
" "I'd die for you" — that's easy to say... I'd live for you and it's hard to do" — Tyler Joseph, phrase from song "Ride".
And that is all... For now...