На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Ben сделал общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Ben Chouchaoui. Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.
11 лет 5 месяцев 28 дней назад
I like many things in life, like gardening, the Internet, reading magazines, writing articles for conferences, etc.
I am currently interested by building a family, establishing my laboratory, and caring for my fitness.
I enjoy a variety of music from soul, to jazz, to gospel, to blues, and I have an international ear as well.
I enjoy good movies, shows, and entertainment, either at home or outside, with friend in particular.
I enjoy good books when I can dive in some, and a few in particular were The Silent Wife, The Plan, Never Saw it Coming, etc.
There are many TV shows I follow like Family Guy, Big Brother, Supernatural and so on.
Foreign languages are another favourite topic, and as these men are bilingual they have a fair notion of what it means to speak and think in many different idioms.
John Millington Synge