
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Christopher сделал общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Christopher Bergstrem. Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.

Christopher Bergstrem фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Christopher Bergstrem

Был онлайн 03 декабря 2011 в 21:12:21

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 0

  • VK ссылка:id92596727
  • День рождения:19.2
  • Сейчас живёт в:New York City
  • Родной город:Stockholm


    Список друзей скрыт пользователем в настройках приватности профиля.

Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 04 августа 2010 года

14 лет 4 месяца 29 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Любимые цитаты:

    If you know what you want, you are more likely to get it.

    If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

    I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.

    Every artist was at first an amateur.

    Did you know that the Chinese symbol for ‘crisis’ includes a symbol which means ‘opportunity’?

    MUSIC I heard with you was more than music,
    And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
    Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
    All that was once so beautiful is dead.

    Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
    And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
    These things do not remember you, belovиd,
    And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

    For it was in my heart you moved among them,
    And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
    And in my heart they will remember always,--
    They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.

    IT is moonlight. Alone in the silence
    I ascend my stairs once more,
    While waves, remote in a pale blue starlight,
    Crash on a white sand shore.
    It is moonlight. The garden is silent.
    I stand in my room alone.
    Across my wall, from the far-off moon,
    A rain of fire is thrown . . .

    There are houses hanging above the stars,
    And stars hung under a sea:
    And a wind from the long blue vault of time
    Waves my curtain for me . . .

    I wait in the dark once more,
    Swung between space and space:
    Before my mirror I lift my hands
    And face my remembered face.

    Is it I who stand in a question here,
    Asking to know my name? . . .
    It is I, yet I know not whither I go,
    Nor why, nor whence I came.

    It is I, who awoke at dawn
    And arose and descended the stair,
    Conceiving a god in the eye of the sun, --
    In a woman's hands and hair.
    It is I whose flesh is gray with the stones
    I builded into a wall:
    With a mournful melody in my brain
    Of a tune I cannot recall . . .

    There are roses to kiss: and mouths to kiss;
    And the sharp-pained shadow of death.
    I remember a rain-drop on my cheek, --
    A wind like a fragrant breath . . .
    And the star I laugh on tilts through heaven;
    And the heavens are dark and steep . . .
    I will forget these things once more
    In the silence of sleep.

Опыт работы и образование

  • School of Visual Arts'08
  • Photography
  • Broadway Dance Center
  • New York City


    По каким-то личным соображениям Christopher не желает делиться с другими людьми собственными фотографиями. Будем надеяться, что когда-нибудь он пересмотрит собственное отношение к этому вопросу и порадует мир яркими и жизнерадостными кадрами.

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