Я посетил твою локацию и очистил её от зомби! http://vk.com/gmgame?ad_id=rp_205632648
Create a potion in the Witch Kettle! http://vk.com/gmgame?ad_id=37.44223045.1389606492.de1..
Create a potion in the Witch Kettle! http://vk.com/gmgame?ad_id=37.44223045.1388913826.8a1..
I have visited your hideout and wiped out the zombies! Can you help me as well? http://vk.com/gmgame?ad_id=31.44223045.1388827006.266..
Create a potion in the Witch Kettle! http://vk.com/gmgame?ad_id=37.44223045.1388777061.a1f..