Ocemo li kao prvo da beremo sveto drvo, skupiti se na tvom dvoru i preteci blagu zoru, dok jos sunce ne izadje da se badnjak pred dom nadje i izgore tri fiseka dok se badnje vece ceka, da se vina napojimo i BOZICU nazdravimo. Pozdravljam te kuco stara sto si vjeru sacuvala. SRECNO BADNJE JUTRO I BADNJACI.
Shall we first reading a sacred tree, gather at your house, and threatening a mild morning, while the sun still does not go out to find a Yule log in front of a home and burned three cones until Christmas Eve waiting to water the wine and Christmas toast. Greetings old puppy you've kept the faith. HAPPY CHRISTMAS MORNING AND Yule logs :) #bozic Nastya Kalashnikova Galya Romanova Tatyana Preobrazhenskaya Ekaterina Gorelikova Natalya Dukiћ Galya Romanova Olya Kinakh
Shall we first reading a sacred tree, gather at your house, and threatening a mild morning, while the sun still does not go out to find a Yule log in front of a home and burned three cones until Christmas Eve waiting to water the wine and Christmas toast. Greetings old puppy you've kept the faith. HAPPY CHRISTMAS MORNING AND Yule logs :) #bozic Nastya Kalashnikova Galya Romanova Tatyana Preobrazhenskaya Ekaterina Gorelikova Natalya Dukiћ Galya Romanova Olya Kinakh