404 posts

Likud MP May Golan: "Proud to be a racist" engaged in ethnic cleansing. The logic of Zionist colonialism. https://mondoweiss.net/2019/05/introducing-israels-la..
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In September 2017 at a press conference Julian Assange said the following, which explains why he is so hated by the media and why US/Israel will not rest until he is sent away to prison for a long, long time:

"Russian actions on its own doorstep in Eastern Europe do not in fact threaten the United States or any actual vital interest. Nor does Moscow threaten the U.S. through its intervention on behalf of the Syrian government in the Middle East. That Russia is described incessantly as a threat in those areas is largely a contrivance arranged by the media, the Democratic and Republican National Committees and by the White House. Candidate Donald Trump appeared to recognize that fact before he began listening to Michael Flynn, who has a rather different view. Hopefully the old Trump will prevail,there is, however, another country that has interfered in U.S. elections, has endangered Americans living or working overseas and has corrupted America’s legislative and executive branches. It has exploited that corruption to initiate legislation favorable to itself, has promoted unnecessary and unwinnable wars and has stolen American technology and military secrets. Its ready access to the mainstream media to spread its own propaganda provides it with cover for its actions and it accomplishes all that and more through the agency of a powerful and well-funded domestic lobby that oddly is not subject to the accountability afforded by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938 even though it manifestly works on behalf of a foreign government. That country is, of course, Israel"

Philip Giraldi
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Peace or piece?
That's the problem!
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Raqqa and Deir Ezzor demand exit of US and French occupation forces
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