I am really concerned about my family and people in Myanmar.
Nights in current Myanmar: Show more
I am really concerned about my family and people in Myanmar.
Nights in current Myanmar: Show more
I am really concerned about my family and people in Myanmar.
Nights in current Myanmar:
Generally, thefts, robbery, kidnaps, and crimes happen at night times. Police and securities are to protect innocent civilians from criminals.
However in #Myanmar, so-called polices and security forces break into people’s houses at night, arbitrarily arresting people’s officials, professors, consultants, doctors, healthcare workers, students, and activists in current nationwide protests. They DO NOT have valid warrants. They just force people to come with them and be arrested.
People have to post live on Facebook, call friends so that nearby civilians can surround their houses and prevent the arrests. Civilians have NO weapons, while those cruel forces come with weapons. Civilians bang pans and pots to alert the surrounding environment and to force those night criminals away.
At the same time, the #MyanmarMilitary release >23,000 real prisoners, who will likely aggravate the current instabilities (Hoping in my deep mind that even the real criminal prisoners see the truth and stand against the dictators). This will also create more prison spaces for arbitrarily arrested civilians.
Can you imagine? How do you feel?
People are suffering. They can’t sleep at nights as they need to be alert from those so-called police criminals. People have people back (Thanks for the unity people). I hope the United Nations Human Rights special meeting today results in appropriate actions on these nationwide criminals ASAP!
- We must be united and save ourselves like this until the deeply seeded dictatorship disappear, and the true peace arise in the wholeShow more
I am really concerned about my family and people in Myanmar.
Nights in current Myanmar:
Generally, thefts, robbery, kidnaps, and crimes happen at night times. Police and securities are to protect innocent civilians from criminals.
However in #Myanmar, so-called polices and security forces break into people’s houses at night, arbitrarily arresting people’s officials, professors, consultants, doctors, healthcare workers, students, and activists in current nationwide protests. They DO NOT have valid warrants. They just force people to come with them and be arrested.
People have to post live on Facebook, call friends so that nearby civilians can surround their houses and prevent the arrests. Civilians have NO weapons, while those cruel forces come with weapons. Civilians bang pans and pots to alert the surrounding environment and to force those night criminals away.
At the same time, the #MyanmarMilitary release >23,000 real prisoners, who will likely aggravate the current instabilities (Hoping in my deep mind that even the real criminal prisoners see the truth and stand against the dictators). This will also create more prison spaces for arbitrarily arrested civilians.
Can you imagine? How do you feel?
People are suffering. They can’t sleep at nights as they need to be alert from those so-called police criminals. People have people back (Thanks for the unity people). I hope the United Nations Human Rights special meeting today results in appropriate actions on these nationwide criminals ASAP!
- We must be united and save ourselves like this until the deeply seeded dictatorship disappear, and the true peace arise in the wholeShow more
UN ကိုယ်စားလှယ် မြင့်သူသည် ယခုလတ်တလော မြန်မာပြည်တွင် ဖြစ်ပျက်နေသည့် အခြေအနေများကို မျက်ကွယ်ပြုပြီး အာဏာသိမ်းစစ်အုပ်စုများဘက်မှ ကာကွယ်၍ လိမ်ညာပြောဆိုသွားခဲ့ပါသည်။ Show more