The last time I gave a ride to Natalie we both kind of had a lot of fun. So we wanted to do it again and again, at least I do (the way she sat on my back and resisted getting down I can surely say she too loved it a lot). So I went to her home. She was my friend from college and a lot much healthier than me.
Me : hey
Natalie : Hello Babu.
Me : what's up dear. I loved the way you rode me that day. I wish I could give you another ride today.
Natalie : wow, I was also thinking the same.
Me : by the way you are looking awesome today in these shorts.
Natalie : thank you babu. Today I wanna sit on your shoulders.
Me : I will try my best.
We were sitting in front of the computer and playing songs. She stood up in front of me and spread her legs wide. I put my neck between her legs and pushed her up on my neck and slowly stood up and her legs were in the air. She started having fun. I was struggling under her weight but I was strong enough to hold her in the air. I did hold her thighs as upward as I could and I started to feel movements of her thigh muscles in my hands. She didn't mind the way I kept my hands on her thighs as she was enjoying the ride. She was laughing a lot and singing song which we played on the computer.
Natalie : Babu, can you take me to the kitchen.
Me : Sure mistress.
Natalie : you naughty Babu.
I started walking towards the kitchen.
Natalie : there, take that glass and give me water from this jar.
There was a water jar, placed about 2 feet high from the floor. IShow more
Me : hey
Natalie : Hello Babu.
Me : what's up dear. I loved the way you rode me that day. I wish I could give you another ride today.
Natalie : wow, I was also thinking the same.
Me : by the way you are looking awesome today in these shorts.
Natalie : thank you babu. Today I wanna sit on your shoulders.
Me : I will try my best.
We were sitting in front of the computer and playing songs. She stood up in front of me and spread her legs wide. I put my neck between her legs and pushed her up on my neck and slowly stood up and her legs were in the air. She started having fun. I was struggling under her weight but I was strong enough to hold her in the air. I did hold her thighs as upward as I could and I started to feel movements of her thigh muscles in my hands. She didn't mind the way I kept my hands on her thighs as she was enjoying the ride. She was laughing a lot and singing song which we played on the computer.
Natalie : Babu, can you take me to the kitchen.
Me : Sure mistress.
Natalie : you naughty Babu.
I started walking towards the kitchen.
Natalie : there, take that glass and give me water from this jar.
There was a water jar, placed about 2 feet high from the floor. IShow more
When I was young for like 13 years or something, there was a elderly girl who was the sister of my friend whose age was 19 and she was one beautiful girl. She had a dark complexion but her nose, eyes ears were in perfect shape. Beautiful jawline and chicks.
She had long hair till her mid back. She was somewhat 5 feet and 2 inches in height. At that time I was 4 feet and 3 inches tall. Me and my friend were of the same age. So when I used to go to their home we would have fun, chat play games etc. Once me and my friend were giving piggyback rides to each other and she appeared right in front of us. So she was just looking at us first. Then after watching we are giving rides to each other maybe she thought of involving our game. She asked if she could try giving rides to us, to which we both agreed instantaneously. First she gave a ride to her brother which was a little lighter and shorter than me and she lifted him like a piece of feather. After giving two easy peasy rounds ride to him, she turned to me and asked me to try riding her piggyback. I also jumped on her back and to my surprise she also lifted me very easily. Then she gave me ride. She gave me ride little longer than her brother because I loved the ride and I refused to get down as I was enjoying riding and she didn't mind about it, I got to know why little bit later. I rode her not less than 5 minutes. I was feeling great.
After giving ride to both of us now she asked to give her ride. At first we were saying no no. Then she said both of you had a fun of riding me, now I don't know anything and I want ride from both of you. So we had to agree. At first her brother tried to carry her on piggyback when he was standing on ground and she tried to seat while standing on ground but she was too heavy for him so he failed to lift her. So I asked her to stand on little chair and ask him to come close andShow more
She had long hair till her mid back. She was somewhat 5 feet and 2 inches in height. At that time I was 4 feet and 3 inches tall. Me and my friend were of the same age. So when I used to go to their home we would have fun, chat play games etc. Once me and my friend were giving piggyback rides to each other and she appeared right in front of us. So she was just looking at us first. Then after watching we are giving rides to each other maybe she thought of involving our game. She asked if she could try giving rides to us, to which we both agreed instantaneously. First she gave a ride to her brother which was a little lighter and shorter than me and she lifted him like a piece of feather. After giving two easy peasy rounds ride to him, she turned to me and asked me to try riding her piggyback. I also jumped on her back and to my surprise she also lifted me very easily. Then she gave me ride. She gave me ride little longer than her brother because I loved the ride and I refused to get down as I was enjoying riding and she didn't mind about it, I got to know why little bit later. I rode her not less than 5 minutes. I was feeling great.
After giving ride to both of us now she asked to give her ride. At first we were saying no no. Then she said both of you had a fun of riding me, now I don't know anything and I want ride from both of you. So we had to agree. At first her brother tried to carry her on piggyback when he was standing on ground and she tried to seat while standing on ground but she was too heavy for him so he failed to lift her. So I asked her to stand on little chair and ask him to come close andShow more
Lift carry experiences.
बहुत दिन पहलेकी बात है, मेरे पड़ोस में एक लड़की रहती थी, उसका नाम अनुष्का था। असल में वो मेरे किरायेदार की साली थी। मेरी उमर उस समय कुछ २० साल की थी। वो दिखने में गोरी थी और ठीक ही दिखती थी। उसकी फिगर मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती थी। वो उस समय लगभग १८ या १९ की होगी। उसकी बहन का पति उससे कई साल बड़ा था, आप कह सकते है लगभग बूढ़ा ही था लेकिन क्योंकि वह गरीब परिवार से थे और उसके पति को सरकारी नौकरी थी तो अनुष्का के बहन की शादी बूढ़े से हो गई, उसकी पहली बीवी मर चुकी थी। अनुष्का की बहन भी ज्यादा पढ़ी लिखी नहीं थी तो उसने भी चुपचाप से शादी कर ली थी। बूढ़े को बस बुढ़ापे में सहारा चाहिए था। उसका किसी और के साथ चक्कर भी चल रहा था। अनुष्का उसकी बहन थी तो उसके भी जवानी के हार्मोंस उछल रहे थे। मैं जब भी जाता तो वह मेरी तरफ देखती रहती थी। मैं उसके नजर को पढ़ना जान चुका था। वो ज्यादा तर वक्त घर में गाउन पहने हुए रहती थी। एक बार वह मेरे सामनेकी कुर्सी पर एक पैर ऊपर करके बैठी हुई थी तो मुझे उसके अंदर वियर और जांघें तक दिखाई देने लगी थी। मैं उधर देख रहा था लेकिन उसने छुपाने की कोशिश नहीं की। मैं वो नजारा देख कर काफी एक्साइट हो रहा था। लेकिन तब कुछ लोग दूसरे कमरे में थे। एक बार न उसके यहां पर कोई था न मेरे घर पे। मैं उसके घर पे चला गया। उससे बाते करने लगा। मैने कहा तुम मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती हो। उसने भी मुझे कहा कि उसे भी मैं अच्छा लगता हु। वह कुर्सी में बैठी हुई थी, मैं अब उसके पीछे खड़े रहकर उसके कंधे पर मसाज कर रहा था। उसका शरीर को छूते ही मुझे अच्छा लगने लगा और उसने कोई ऐतराज नहीं जताया। मैने थोड़ा थोड़ा करके बुझ की तरफ मसाज करना शुरू किया और जब मुझे यकीन हो गया कि वह बुरा नहीं मानेगी तब मैने उसके बूब्स को हाथो से मसाज करना शुरू किया, वह अब बहुत उत्तेजित हो चुकी थी और मैं भी काफी उत्तेजित हो चुका था। मैने अपनी पेंट खोली और उसके बाद उसने अपने हाथों से मेरी अंडर वियर नीचे कर दी। मेरा समान देख के वह काफी खुश हुई। हाथ से उसको सहलाने लगी, मैने उससे कहा कि मुंह में लेलो, वो कुछ शर्मा रही थी। उसने मुंह को उसके पास लेकरShow more
बहुत दिन पहलेकी बात है, मेरे पड़ोस में एक लड़की रहती थी, उसका नाम अनुष्का था। असल में वो मेरे किरायेदार की साली थी। मेरी उमर उस समय कुछ २० साल की थी। वो दिखने में गोरी थी और ठीक ही दिखती थी। उसकी फिगर मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती थी। वो उस समय लगभग १८ या १९ की होगी। उसकी बहन का पति उससे कई साल बड़ा था, आप कह सकते है लगभग बूढ़ा ही था लेकिन क्योंकि वह गरीब परिवार से थे और उसके पति को सरकारी नौकरी थी तो अनुष्का के बहन की शादी बूढ़े से हो गई, उसकी पहली बीवी मर चुकी थी। अनुष्का की बहन भी ज्यादा पढ़ी लिखी नहीं थी तो उसने भी चुपचाप से शादी कर ली थी। बूढ़े को बस बुढ़ापे में सहारा चाहिए था। उसका किसी और के साथ चक्कर भी चल रहा था। अनुष्का उसकी बहन थी तो उसके भी जवानी के हार्मोंस उछल रहे थे। मैं जब भी जाता तो वह मेरी तरफ देखती रहती थी। मैं उसके नजर को पढ़ना जान चुका था। वो ज्यादा तर वक्त घर में गाउन पहने हुए रहती थी। एक बार वह मेरे सामनेकी कुर्सी पर एक पैर ऊपर करके बैठी हुई थी तो मुझे उसके अंदर वियर और जांघें तक दिखाई देने लगी थी। मैं उधर देख रहा था लेकिन उसने छुपाने की कोशिश नहीं की। मैं वो नजारा देख कर काफी एक्साइट हो रहा था। लेकिन तब कुछ लोग दूसरे कमरे में थे। एक बार न उसके यहां पर कोई था न मेरे घर पे। मैं उसके घर पे चला गया। उससे बाते करने लगा। मैने कहा तुम मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती हो। उसने भी मुझे कहा कि उसे भी मैं अच्छा लगता हु। वह कुर्सी में बैठी हुई थी, मैं अब उसके पीछे खड़े रहकर उसके कंधे पर मसाज कर रहा था। उसका शरीर को छूते ही मुझे अच्छा लगने लगा और उसने कोई ऐतराज नहीं जताया। मैने थोड़ा थोड़ा करके बुझ की तरफ मसाज करना शुरू किया और जब मुझे यकीन हो गया कि वह बुरा नहीं मानेगी तब मैने उसके बूब्स को हाथो से मसाज करना शुरू किया, वह अब बहुत उत्तेजित हो चुकी थी और मैं भी काफी उत्तेजित हो चुका था। मैने अपनी पेंट खोली और उसके बाद उसने अपने हाथों से मेरी अंडर वियर नीचे कर दी। मेरा समान देख के वह काफी खुश हुई। हाथ से उसको सहलाने लगी, मैने उससे कहा कि मुंह में लेलो, वो कुछ शर्मा रही थी। उसने मुंह को उसके पास लेकरShow more