The last time I gave a ride to Natalie we both kind of had a lot of fun. So we wanted to do it again and again, at least I do (the way she sat on my back and resisted getting down I can surely say she too loved it a lot). So I went to her home. She was my friend from college and a lot much healthier than me.
Me : hey
Natalie : Hello Babu.
Me : what's up dear. I loved the way you rode me that day. I wish I could give you another ride today.
Natalie : wow, I was also thinking the same.
Me : by the way you are looking awesome today in these shorts.
Natalie : thank you babu. Today I wanna sit on your shoulders.
Me : I will try my best.
We were sitting in front of the computer and playing songs. She stood up in front of me and spread her legs wide. I put my neck between her legs and pushed her up on my neck and slowly stood up and her legs were in the air. She started having fun. I was struggling under her weight but I was strong enough to hold her in the air. I did hold her thighs as upward as I could and I started to feel movements of her thigh muscles in my hands. She didn't mind the way I kept my hands on her thighs as she was enjoying the ride. She was laughing a lot and singing song which we played on the computer.
Natalie : Babu, can you take me to the kitchen.
Me : Sure mistress.
Natalie : you naughty Babu.
I started walking towards the kitchen.
Natalie : there, take that glass and give me water from this jar.
There was a water jar, placed about 2 feet high from the floor. IShow more would need to be bent down for taking water from it. If I bent down her legs would touch the ground I thought and it would be easier, So I took the glass and bent down to take water from the cock, to my surprise she made this task difficult, as her legs were about to touch the floor, she lifted her legs backwards so her full weight came on my neck which felt very heavy, but somehow I managed to keep her safe on my shoulders.
Me : wow, you are feeling heavy now.
Natalie : mistress doesn't want to touch the ground.
My hand still didnt reach to cock of the jar so I put one of my hand on top of the jar and hold the glass in front of cock by the other hand so I could have the support of the jar which kept her on my shoulders and managed to falling down. Her legs hanging from both sides of neck was a view. I filled the glas and gave it to her.
Natalie : don't get up, stay like this, I will need more water
Me : okay mistress.
She emptied glas by drinking water and gave me back.
Natalie : keep your hand away from jar. I want you not to take the support.
I stood straight a little and bent from the knees this way, I managed to keep her on my shoulders and filled the glass with water. I again gave it to her and stood straight up. She asked me to look down and bend a little, so I did. I was feeling her weight on my neck. She placed glass on my head now I didn't want to spill the glass so I tried to be stable as much as possible. She was enjoying this. She again took that glass and spill it on my head and thrown away. I could see water moving from my hairs and her thighs her sexy white and wet legs were looking too hot. She placed her toe on my organ and started rubbing it. She felt it hard and started laughing. She kicked with back of her toes. I to her to the other room and started massaging her. I was feeling hot and wet behind my neck. All of sudden she became kind of wild. She did hold of my hairs and started pulling them she kept her feet on my waist and lift her body up rubbing her p*ssy on my neck and down. She was pulling and pusshing my head wildly. I could feel wet and hot. I started sweating but I was enjoying it too. She pressed her thighs and my legs felt like paper in scissors. I couldn't breath so I tried to hold her thighs a little apart but couldn't because she crossed her legs in front of me and pressing hard against my neck. I was seeing stars in broad day light. I was able to breath very little but was managing. She was jumping on my shoulders and now I felt very wet on my neck and she stopped. Finally I could breath. She asked me to put her down. Which I did. Her pussy was wet. She threw away her short and was naked in front of me. I understood the assignment and started licking her pussy. I cleaned it and then we both sat besides each other. I was still hard and my neck was in pain. She placed her hand on my dick.
Natalie : you are still hard.
Me : now your turn to give me blowjob.
Natalie : sure.
And she started giving me blowjob. She put her 👅 in my penis skin and started moving inside. Already my penis was very sensitive. It became very hard. She tried to take whole of it in her mouth but was just be able to take tip of it. Then I forced her by placing hands on her head and my dick went through her throat. I felt it very good. I asked her to sleep on bed looking upward and placed my dick in her mouth and started pushing. This way I could see her throat growing when I was going in. It was great. After some time I did cum in her throat and I felt like I am finished. I felt very weak. I slept right besides her that night like a dead person. So this was my one of the greatest experience in life.
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21 Mar at 1:56 pmphoto updated
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When I was young for like 13 years or something, there was a elderly girl who was the sister of my friend whose age was 19 and she was one beautiful girl. She had a dark complexion but her nose, eyes ears were in perfect shape. Beautiful jawline and chicks.
She had long hair till her mid back. She was somewhat 5 feet and 2 inches in height. At that time I was 4 feet and 3 inches tall. Me and my friend were of the same age. So when I used to go to their home we would have fun, chat play games etc. Once me and my friend were giving piggyback rides to each other and she appeared right in front of us. So she was just looking at us first. Then after watching we are giving rides to each other maybe she thought of involving our game. She asked if she could try giving rides to us, to which we both agreed instantaneously. First she gave a ride to her brother which was a little lighter and shorter than me and she lifted him like a piece of feather. After giving two easy peasy rounds ride to him, she turned to me and asked me to try riding her piggyback. I also jumped on her back and to my surprise she also lifted me very easily. Then she gave me ride. She gave me ride little longer than her brother because I loved the ride and I refused to get down as I was enjoying riding and she didn't mind about it, I got to know why little bit later. I rode her not less than 5 minutes. I was feeling great.
After giving ride to both of us now she asked to give her ride. At first we were saying no no. Then she said both of you had a fun of riding me, now I don't know anything and I want ride from both of you. So we had to agree. At first her brother tried to carry her on piggyback when he was standing on ground and she tried to seat while standing on ground but she was too heavy for him so he failed to lift her. So I asked her to stand on little chair and ask him to come close andShow more then sit on him. This way she easily mounted on his back and he carried her while struggled to walk so he just stayed like that and in a minute he gave up. She was not enjoying as she was continuously sliding down and he was very uncomfortable carrying her.
Now she moved towards me. I bent my body little bit down and asked her to hop on my back which she did and to her surprise this skinny little boy carried her on his back effortlessly. She was very heavy for me but my posture was comfortable for her so she was not slipping and I think because of my posture I didn't feel uncomfortable. But she was indeed heavy. I started walking with her giving piggyback ride. I would walk few steps and she would start to slide a little then either she would pull herself up while pushing me down by holding my shoulders. So I had to stop while walking to let her comfort. I said I will complete 5 rounds while she being on my back. In first round itself she pushed me down to comfort herself two times. It made my walk slow, each round was taking longer time. First round of living room completed in two minutes. I tried my best and with whole lot of energy and struggle, completed second round also in 2 minutes but now I was exhausted. I asked her to get down. I placed my hands on chair to take a break. She didn't got up. His brother and her both were smiling seeing me struggle. I also joined their smile but I was feeling humiliating. Even when my hands were on chair for support, she made it hard for me. She made her legs swinging to and from. She was 20 kg heavier for me. After a minutes I asked her to stop and let me walk to which she agreed and crossed her legs from my front side. I also felt little comfortable and I started walking. Even though her weight was more her muscular thighs around me making me feel good somehow. I now got little bit of used to her weight. I completed next two rounds non stop and was comforting her without stopping. But my walk was not fast so 5 more minutes went away. No it has been 10 minutes. She relaxed her legs in air while sitting on my back after fourth round and stretched her body lending forward. For this I had to learn more towards front and her legs pressed sides of my stomach hard she then pushed herself up on my back by placing her feet on the sides of my knees and got little bit up. Now I started round 5. I was holding her thighs all the time from below, holding her thighs muscles in my hands was exciting. I would sometimes pull her upwards like that. Each time I was holding her more towards her but. I realised she didn't mind me holding her butt, I think she liked it that way, so she didn't said anything. I somehow completed round 5 and started talking with her brother look how strong I am while she was still on my back. I was feeling arousal between legs and I didn't drop her still. I loved her butt in my hand while she is on my back, so I pressed her butt hard and stood straight. She got down because I stood straight and it was not comfortable for her. I felt so relaxed after she got up from my back. I stretched my back and sat on the chair. She was feeling very happy. She said that she didn't ride in life anyone except her father when she was young. Getting ride from someone smaller and younger she never thought of. Her smily and giggly face said it all. After this incident I also used to like giving ride to her every way possible and she became demanding with me.
Once she called me on my phone and asked to come home she has some work. When I went her home there was no one. I asked whats up. She said no one is at home and she was feeling so bored so she invited. I asked about her brother. She said he went out at her uncle's home for some work. I said okay. I sat in sofa while talking all this and she came behind me and pushed me forward and sat on my back. I felt like sandwitched between her and sofa. I asked is this the work you wanted me to do for you? She laughed and said yes. She was wearing short dress. Even though she had dark complexion her legs were brighter and sexy. She put her legs on my shoulders I could see her big calfs around my neck. She moved forward and went on upper back now I could see her legs below knee. This was quite boring for me so I said let's do something different. She asked what should we do. I said let's ponyplay. She got up from my back. I became her pony and she sat on my back. When she sat on my back my knees started feeling pain. She liked it a lot. She asked me to walk like pony and placed her feet on my calfs so all of her weight came right on my back and my knees, I instantly felt regret still I tried to give her ride. I was feeling very uncomfortable on the floor so I did one round and asked her to get up, I am feeling pain. She said okay and stood up. After that she asked me to let's go to bed room. We went to her bedroom and she said be pony on that bed. I said okay now bed had cushions so I felt good there. She sat on my back instantly. Now I wasn't feeling pain. She started enjoying. She kept her legs straight floating downwards from bed. My back was sandwitched between her legs then she would take legs back and keep on my calfs. She rode me like this for half an hour. In between she paused for a minute to give me a break. She was pressing my back hard between her legs. She sometimes pushed all her weight on my shoulders from her hands and on my calfs from my legs and press her thighs on my back. I was very small infront of her. Iike a midget. After riding on my back half hour she felt very pleased and lied on back on her own bed. I also lied besides her. I was tired because of her but don't know why she was tired of. She did took rest for few minutes and said thanks for ride and she enjoyed every second of it. To which I said my pleasure. I have also never had such an experience with grown up girl like her. Then I went my home. When I was going home I realised my back was wet. I thought maybe because of sweat it is wet and went home. I instantly got fress by taking bath and changing clothes. I was feeling great that day.
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Lift carry experiences.

बहुत दिन पहलेकी बात है, मेरे पड़ोस में एक लड़की रहती थी, उसका नाम अनुष्का था। असल में वो मेरे किरायेदार की साली थी। मेरी उमर उस समय कुछ २० साल की थी। वो दिखने में गोरी थी और ठीक ही दिखती थी। उसकी फिगर मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती थी। वो उस समय लगभग १८ या १९ की होगी। उसकी बहन का पति उससे कई साल बड़ा था, आप कह सकते है लगभग बूढ़ा ही था लेकिन क्योंकि वह गरीब परिवार से थे और उसके पति को सरकारी नौकरी थी तो अनुष्का के बहन की शादी बूढ़े से हो गई, उसकी पहली बीवी मर चुकी थी। अनुष्का की बहन भी ज्यादा पढ़ी लिखी नहीं थी तो उसने भी चुपचाप से शादी कर ली थी। बूढ़े को बस बुढ़ापे में सहारा चाहिए था। उसका किसी और के साथ चक्कर भी चल रहा था। अनुष्का उसकी बहन थी तो उसके भी जवानी के हार्मोंस उछल रहे थे। मैं जब भी जाता तो वह मेरी तरफ देखती रहती थी। मैं उसके नजर को पढ़ना जान चुका था। वो ज्यादा तर वक्त घर में गाउन पहने हुए रहती थी। एक बार वह मेरे सामनेकी कुर्सी पर एक पैर ऊपर करके बैठी हुई थी तो मुझे उसके अंदर वियर और जांघें तक दिखाई देने लगी थी। मैं उधर देख रहा था लेकिन उसने छुपाने की कोशिश नहीं की। मैं वो नजारा देख कर काफी एक्साइट हो रहा था। लेकिन तब कुछ लोग दूसरे कमरे में थे। एक बार न उसके यहां पर कोई था न मेरे घर पे। मैं उसके घर पे चला गया। उससे बाते करने लगा। मैने कहा तुम मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती हो। उसने भी मुझे कहा कि उसे भी मैं अच्छा लगता हु। वह कुर्सी में बैठी हुई थी, मैं अब उसके पीछे खड़े रहकर उसके कंधे पर मसाज कर रहा था। उसका शरीर को छूते ही मुझे अच्छा लगने लगा और उसने कोई ऐतराज नहीं जताया। मैने थोड़ा थोड़ा करके बुझ की तरफ मसाज करना शुरू किया और जब मुझे यकीन हो गया कि वह बुरा नहीं मानेगी तब मैने उसके बूब्स को हाथो से मसाज करना शुरू किया, वह अब बहुत उत्तेजित हो चुकी थी और मैं भी काफी उत्तेजित हो चुका था। मैने अपनी पेंट खोली और उसके बाद उसने अपने हाथों से मेरी अंडर वियर नीचे कर दी। मेरा समान देख के वह काफी खुश हुई। हाथ से उसको सहलाने लगी, मैने उससे कहा कि मुंह में लेलो, वो कुछ शर्मा रही थी। उसने मुंह को उसके पास लेकरShow more तो आई लेकिन हिचकिचा रही थी और हाथ से ही हिला रही थी. मैंने उसके सर को पकड़कर उसके के मुंह में अपना समान धर दिया। मैं काफी अच्छा फ़िल कर रहा था और वह हेल्पलेस फ़िल कर रही होगी। कुछ सेकंड बाद मैने उसको आजाद किया। वह थोड़ा रूठा मुंह कर थोड़ी सी स्माइल चेहरे पर रख कर शर्मा के देख रही थी। मैने पूछा क्या हुआ अनुष्का मजा नहीं आया? वह हंसने लगी अब उसने अपने मन से मुझे ब्लो जॉब देना शुरू किया। उसके बाद मैने उसे बेड पर लिया और उसके साथ सेक्स करने लगा वह काफी तकलीफ महसूस कर रही थी और उसने सेक्स का विरोध किया तो मैने खुद को रोक लिया।
अब मेरे मन में उसके कंधे पर सवारी करने का मन आ गया। मैने उसे कंधे पर उठाने को कहा। उसने कहा मैं ट्राई करती हूं। और वह बेड पर बैठ कर मेरे बैठने का इंतजार कर रही थी। मैं अब उसके कंधे पर बैठ गया। मुझे कंधे पर बिठाकर वह खड़ी हो गई। मुझे काफी मजा आने लगा और मुझे उठाना उसके लिए ज्यादा मुश्किल नहीं लगा। हम दोनोके शरीर पर कोई वस्त्र नहीं थे। मैं उसके गर्दन की गर्मी अपने नीचे महसूस कर रहा था। मेरे जांघों में उसके गले की गर्मी और उसकी सांस लेने से होने वाली हलचल मैं महसूस कर रहा था। वो मेरे थाईज पे हाथ घुमा रही थी जो कि मुझे काफी अच्छा लग रहा था। मेरे पैर उसके कमर पे और पेट के ऊपर मै बार बार घुमा रहा था। मुझे काफी मजा आने लगा था। मैने उसे मेरे सामान को हाथ में लेने को कहा। उसने वैसे ही किया। उसने कहा कि तुम्हारा सामान काफी बड़ा है और वह अपना हाथ चलने लगी। कुछ देर बाद मैं लग भाग उसके शोल्डर्स पे उड़ ही रहा था ऐसा लग रहा था मैं जन्नत में जी रहा हूं। वह अब कुछ कुछ तकलीफ महसूस कर रही थी। और कुछ ही देर बाद उसके बालों में मेरा फवारा चल गया। उसके बाल अब चिप चिप हो गए। उसने मुझे उतार दिया और बाल धोने चली गई। मैने अपने कपड़े पहन लिए। थोड़ी देर बाद हम फिर से पहले जैसे बाते करने लगे और बाद में हम लोगों के फैमिली मेंबर्स भी आने लगे। हम दोनों मन ही मन में मुस्कराने लगे।
3 people reacted
10 Mar at 3:33 pmphoto updated
6 people reacted