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14 лет 5 месяцев 16 дней назад
1. على المسيرة الأكاديمية في الجامعات وعلى مستقبل أبناء شعبنا وطلبتنا، فإننا نبدي موافقتنا على هذه النسبة. 2. يؤكد الاتحاد على مشروعية مطلبنا بخصوص غلاء المعيشة عن الفترة المذكورة أعلاه وذلك نظراً لاستثنائية هذه الفترة حسب ما ورد في كتابكم، وبناءً على التفاهمات الشفوية التي تمت مع لجنة مجلس التعليم العالي في حين توقيع اتفاقية الكادر الأخيرة. 3. يرفض الاتحاد استثناء قراركم للجامعة العربية الأمريكية واقتصاره على الجامعات العامة, وذلك لأن الجامعة العربية الأمريكية عضو في مجلس التعليم ومن المنطق أن تكون قرارته ملزمة لإدارة هذه الجامعة إضافة إلى أن نقابة الجامعة الأمريكية عضو في مجلس اتحاد نقابات أساتذة وموظفي الجامعات الفلسطينية ، وعليه فإننا نعتبر أية اتفاقية يوقعها الاتحاد أو قرار &am
Die erste Schicht : Brot, Getreide, Reis und Nudeln eine Person muss 6 - 11 Produkte aus dieser Gruppen pro Tag essen Die zweite Schicht : Obst und Gemüse : Bananen Orangen, Äpfel, tomaten, Karotten, Kartoffeln und usw. eine Person muss pro Tag 2 - 4 verschiedene Arten an Früchten essen und 3 – 5 verschiedene Arten an Gemüse Die dritte Schicht : Fleisch, Fisch, trockene Bohnen, Eier, Milch, Käse Joghurt und Eis. eine Person muss 2 - 3 Produkte aus dieser Gruppen pro Tag essen Die vierte Schicht : Fette, Öle, Schokolade und Süßigkeiten … Sparsam Verwenden … Sie sind als nicht hilfreich gekennzeichnet und sollten nicht oft gegessen werden. Der Körper braucht Kohlenhydrate. Die besten Quellen für Kohlenhydrate sind Vollkornprodukte wie, Vollkornbrot und brauner reis.Sie sind eine gute Quelle für komplexe Kohlenhydrate, Verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien . Fett ist für viele Prozesse im Körper wichtig. Es schützt die Organe, halt sie warm und hilft dem Körper Nährstoffe aufzunehmen. Es hilft auch bei der Hormonproduktion. Wir alle wissen, dass Obst und Gemüse die wichtigsten Lebensmittel die ein Mensch essen kann sind.Sie ergänzen den Körper mit Vitaminen wie Vitamin A, B und C, Calcium und Eiweiß. Sie geben uns den ganzen Tag Kraft und helfen uns gesund zu werden, Deshalb muss man viel davon essen. Diese pflanzlichen Lebensmittel sind eine gute Quelle für Vitamine, Eiweiß, und Mineralien.. Viele Arten von Nüssen enthalten gesunde Fette, die den körper fit halten. Fleisch enthält Eiweiß und viele Vitamine wie Vitamin B Aber er trägt auch Toxine, sodass man nicht zu viel Fleisch essen sollte. Hähnchen enthält Eiweiß, viele Vitamine und Mineralien, es ist auch sehr lecker und ist allen Arten von Speisen verwendet werden. Eier: Eier enthalten viele Vitamine wie Vitamin D, und Mineralien .Ein Ei enthält 6 Gramm hochwertiges Eiweiß. Milch: Milch ist die wichtigste Ressource für der Körper, es macht die Zähne und knocken stark und schützt man vor vielen Krankheiten wie Krebs, sie enthält auch eine gute Menge von Eiweiß und Kalzium. Käse: Käse enthält viele Eiweiße, Vitamine, Mineralien, Fette und Kalzium, und schützt man vor vielen Krankheiten.
Brother Robert welcomed everyone for the Spring semester 2010 (as candies were happily distributed to ‘sweeten’ our work for the day). Guests for today’s meeting were also welcomed. He also passed out a copy of the “Charter for Compassion” shared with us by Brother Peter Iorlano, FSC, during the faculty/staff opening of the semester on 25 January 2010. Brother Robert underscored the first sentence reading it slowly as follows: “The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves.” In addition, he encouraged us to share this document with teachers/staff/students by posting it on bulletin boards or using other means to disseminate its contents. 2. Approval of Minutes: 8 December 2009 The minutes dated 8 December 2009 of Academic Council Meeting #4 were approved and accepted as an accurate summary of this last meeting for Fall term 2009. 3. Brother Robert Smith, FSC, PhD a. Task Force on extending the teaching day Brother Robert acknowledged the work that is being done by Mary Juha to form a Task Force that will study the issue of extending the teaching/class day (by one hour). b. Department-Faculty meetings, visit/attend As he did in the Fall term 2009, Brother Robert reiterated his desire to attend some Departmental/Faculty meetings to meet and interact with members and to learn more immediately about the work, concerns, and so on of the Department/Faculty. c. Other brief announcements The following brief announcements were also mentioned by Brother Robert: - So far, the school year has started smoothly as we welcome each other and our students back to the university. - Brother Peter Bray, FSC, thanks the Administrative Council and those who helped and supported the Administration during the first days of registration, contributing towards a smooth start of the year.
for payments to be made. Tomorrow, the official/final class lists will be released. - The new issue of the B.U. Journal is now out – thanks to the tremendous work of the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Adnan Shqueir, the entire editorial board, and various faculty members who have contributed to this issue. - The forms for faculty load (under/over load) are due/overdue. - Please remind teachers (full-time and part-time) to post their schedule with office hours – showing specific time and day. Each faculty member’s schedule should also be forwarded to the Office of the AVP. Some complaints about (lack of or absence during) office hours are heard and reported in written evaluations of some courses/teachers. - Teachers should also be reminded to take attendance and issue formal/written warnings to support warnings such as WF, etc. We need a “paper trail”/ hard copies as records to back-up disciplinary measures. - No smoking inside; no food/drink in classrooms. 4. Dr. Irene Hazou a. Form (sent electronically) for approval of new courses and changes to existing courses Earlier, a form has been sent by email so inviting faculty members to give feedback to Dr. Irene by Friday this week. She suggested that based on this feedback she will circulate the revised form by Monday and prepare the final document for approval during next Tuesday’s Academic Council Meeting (9 February 2010). b. Policy on Exchange Students (formation of committee) Dr. Irene invited Council members to volunteer to be part of a committee with her (choosing 3 to 4 teachers) to draft a policy stipulating criteria to be followed in selecting students (sending and receiving) who can qualify for exchange programs with other universities. In view of the increasing offers to participate in such programs, there is an increasing need to address problems of logistics, validation of courses attended, and so on. 5. Dr. Haifa Kuncar Presentation by Mr. Sultan Yaseen, Consultant, Center of Continuing Education at Bir Zeit University: LIN: The Learning Innovation Node Project (Ford Foundation Development Grant) Brother Robert started this session by providing some background information for this presentation dealing with a possible Ford Foundation grant to be engaged in with 2-3 other Palestinian universities. The liaison from BU to Bir Zeit University (the lead institution in this proposed project) is Dr. Haifa Kuncar. Only one department from each university can participate in the implementation of the project. Mr. Sultan Yaseen was accompanied by Mr. Wael Kishek of Al-Quds University. Each one took turns to present the proposal to be submitted to the Ford Foundation baring its contents to the members of the Council to get feedback that can address various areas of concern as regards the topic in question. Both Mr. Yaseen and Mr. Kishek discussed the development of the project explaining its dynamics/processes. It is proposed that a committee with multi-disciplinary representation can be formed. Some handouts giving more information on the proposal were distributed, after which several active interventions by Council members followed. Some of the questions raised were the following:
- the criteria used to choose the participating universities/participating department(s) - it is not clear as to how “useful” and sustainable this project will be for the universities concerned - how will this project tie in to the recommendations from both the program and institutional reviews already undertaken. NOTE: Agenda item numbers 6 and 7 were not taken up, being deferred to the next meeting set for Tuesday, 9 February 2010 at 10:00 AM. 6. Other a. Academic Major and outside-faculty minor b. P-F Library Orientation course (sufficient for dismissal to twice fail this “University Requirement”?) c. Internal Department/Faculty policies re: transfer/change of major 7. New Business -- No new business was raised. 8. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 A.M. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** N.B.: Next Meeting: Tuesday, 9 February 2010 Submitted by: Mellie Brodeth, PhD Director of the Library Recording Secretary 03 February 2010
По каким-то личным соображениям Danny не желает делиться с другими людьми собственными фотографиями. Будем надеяться, что когда-нибудь он пересмотрит собственное отношение к этому вопросу и порадует мир яркими и жизнерадостными кадрами.