На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые David сделал общедоступными.
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Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.
О себе:Hello! I`m going to tell you an interesting story for five minutes.Just make yourself comfortable and listen.
The Bible shows a good picture of relationship between men and God. God truly wants a close relationship with men.
Only when men have a close relationship with God, can they enjoy life to the fullest like a leafy tree.
However, men rejected this close relationship with God and made themselves distant from God.
That is how they became alienated from God.
Likewise, God calls this rejection of a close relationship with God “sin.”
Romans 3:23 says that for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, for all have sinned
Everybody who lives as they please without God is a sinner. And this very sinner is judged by God.
Hebrews 9: 27 says that Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement,
Death is not the end but is followed by God`s judgement.
Don`t we pay the price when we sin in this world by serving the time in prison? It`s the same with God.
A judged soul descends into hell which is eternal death.
Romans 6 : 23 says that For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The wages of sin is death; therefore some people think they can reach God when they do many good deeds or live a moral life.
Or some try to reach out to God by practicing religion such as Buddhism, Confucianism, or Taoism.
But nothing in this world such as good deeds, morals and religions can lead us to God. See, he is not able to reach God.
Proverbs 14 : 12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end
it leads to death
So all people that live as they please without God are running toward sin, God`s judgement and Hell-the eternal death.
So God who loves us came up with a marvelous solution which only God is able to implement. That is non-other than Jesus Christ.
God paved the way for men to reach Him by having His one and only son Jesus Christ carry every men`s sin for us and crucifying him.
See, he is able to reach God.
Roman 5: 8 says, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
While we were still sinners, Chirist died for us.
You can receive Jesus as your personal saviour by hearing and believing this fact which is God`s Word.
John 1: 12 says that Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
God gave the right to become His children. In this way, anyone who receives Jesus as his/her personal saviour becomes a child of God.
Well, cats have their own life, puppies have their own life and man have their own life as well.
Likewise children of God will be able to have eternal life which is God`s life.
The Bible promises us a blessing where a person who became a child of God is not condemned by God but is transformed from a sinner to a righteous man, from eternal death to eternal life.
John 5:24 says that I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
Now, think on which side you stand.
Are you standing on the place where there are God`s judgement and eternal death far away from God because of your sins? Or Are you standing on the other side where there are righteous man, no judgement but everlasting and abundant life that God has promised?
It`s up to you, brother( or sister).
Right now you may feel like something is touching your heart.
That`s the voice of Jesus. Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart right now.
Revelation 3:20 says that Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat
День рождения:5.6.1972 (52 года)
Родной город:seoul,Korea.
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Страница VK была создана 19 июня 2014 года
10 лет 8 месяцев 15 дней назад
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