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Hilary Duff

Был онлайн 24 мая 2009 в 14:44:33

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 2

  • VK ссылка:id38901709
  • О себе:I was born on September, 28th, 1987 in Houston, capital of the State of Texas.The family was well off - father Erhard Daff contained own network of shops the Bean, and mother Sjuzen Kolin Daff - was the housewife. In the childhood of Hilari together with the sister Hejli have started to be engaged in actor's skill. The first exit of Hilari Daff on a scene was carried out at six-year age, she has played one of roles in ballet ' the Nutcracker '. However the desire to become actresses has not left sisters, and they together with the mum have decided to move to California while the father remained in Texas. Probably, this circumstance has finished Sjuzen Kolin Daff and Erharda Daff to divorce. In the beginning the actor's way of Hilari roles basically in mass meetings got, however already in eleven years to it has had the luck to execute the first leading role in a film ' Casper and Vendi ' about adventures of a friendly phantom. Хилари the role of a young witch of Vendi which there is a drawn phantom has got. The film did not manage to win special popularity so, to speak about glory of the young actress while was rather early. However this role was followed by the following role in a film ' the Collector of souls ' which has this time brought to it award Young Artist Award in a nomination ' the Best role of the second plan '. What there was a condition of the actress when her have invited to act in film in a comedy episode ' Daddio ', but after trial shooting it has been removed from a role. It has already begun was to think of absolutely to refuse career of the actress, but timely support of relatives have not allowed it to make it. As on it there were other motives - ' Daddio ' has soon been closed and removed from an aether, and Hilari Daff has successfully passed listening for a role which eventually has made its popular actress. All in a life of Hilari only began. In thirteen years it has received a leading role in a family comedy serial ' Lizzi Maguajr ' on channel Disney which has gone on the air in 2001. The serial used popularity among spectators throughout two years. In this time Hilari Daff has had time to act in film in all sixty five series. After visible popularity of a serial it has been decided to finish shooting a feature film under the name with the same name ' Cinema Lizzi Maguajr ' in 2003 which became cash after an appearance. This film became the bridge, on which Hilari Daff has passed from the category of telestars in the category of movie stars. Besides, the first song of Hilari has written down for a soundtrack to this film in 2002, career of the singer has from this point on started to develop. Same year Hilari Daff has let out the first plate, the collection of Christmas songs ' Santa Clause Lane ' which comprised the duets executed together with Christina Milian, Lil ' Romeo and sister Hejli. After that record of several more songs for a soundtrack of the full-length version ' Lizzi Maguajr ' has followed. 2003 became year when career of the sixteen-year girl began to develop really. However career of the actress closely intertwined with career of the singer. To one another at all did not disturb. Same 2003 Hilari Daff has acted in film in a youthful spy thriller ' Agent Kodi Benks ' and than a family comedy ' By the gross is cheaper '. Besides, Hilari writes down the first solo album ' Metamorphosis'. The disk has got at once on tops of the American charts that has allowed it to receive a rank of one of the most successful musical albums of year. Soon after an album exit the first tour round of Hilari tickets on which were bought up with improbable speed has taken place. Musical critics even have dared to comment on all it, having noticed that such success in that year could not reach neither Britney Spears, nor Christina Aguilera. However in a year not all developed so succ
  • Сейчас живёт в:США, Houston


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Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 20 мая 2009 года

15 лет 9 месяцев 14 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Discography: 2003 Santa Claus Lane 2003 Metamorphosis 2004 Hilary Duff 2005 Most Wanted 2006 4ever 2007 Dignity Filmography: 1998 Casper and Wend / Casper Meets Wendy/ 2003 Agent Kodi Benks / Agent Cody Banks/ 2003 Cinemas Lizzi MakGuajar / The Lizzie McGuire Movie/ 2003 By the gross - is cheaper / Cheaper by the Dozen/ 2004 History of the Cinderella / Cinderella Story, A/ 2004 Superstar / Raise Your Voice/ 2005 Best man / The Perfect Man/ 2006 By the gross - is cheaper 2 / Cheaper by the Dozen 2/


    По каким-то личным соображениям Hilary не желает делиться с другими людьми собственными фотографиями. Будем надеяться, что когда-нибудь он пересмотрит собственное отношение к этому вопросу и порадует мир яркими и жизнерадостными кадрами.

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