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Iashington2010 International conference фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Iashington2010 International conference

Был онлайн 13 декабря 2021 в 18:27:20

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 18

  • VK ссылка:id85455656
  • О себе:The conference will take place between the 26th of July and the 1st of August and consists of: * Learning sessions; * Self awareness sessions; * A global village (multicultural fare); * Interaction events for the delegates; The event is dedicated to students and graduates from all over the world who are between the ages of 20 and 30. Learning sessions: They will be split into 3 main tracks: Leadership, Communication and Project Management. Leadership “Leadership is the special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon.” (James L. Fisher) Leadership was a topic which concerned everybody, for centuries, from ancient Greek philosophers to world renowned contemporary managers. Still, the need for efficient leadership was never as burning as in the 21th century. What we intend to do is to pass on to the participants the concept that, in changing times, leadership is the key for success to both individuals and organizations. Communication „Communication means power. Those who know how to use it can change the way they see the world and the way the world perceives them.” (Anthony Robbins) This track allows the participants to receive practical knowledge about communication skills in different situations. The trainings will also approach the fundamentals of negotiation skills, conflict mediation, feelings control, efficient knowledge management, etc. Project Management „Success represents the progressive achievement of a well established goal.” The trainings contained in this track are made such way that, at the end of the conference, participants will know the importance of planning, managing and controlling phases and resources of a project/event. Self-awareness sessions Unlike the previous years, the 2010 edition comes with an innovation regarding the personal development area. The conference agenda will contain a special category of sessions, where different people will share their success stories to the delegates, as a a direction or example of good case practice. Global village It will take place on the 1st of August on “Alexandru Lapusneanu” boulevard and it will give each delegate the possibility to present the traditions of his country. The global village will be open to all the citizens from Iasi and it will give them the possibility to live one of the most international experiences IASHINGTON 2010 can offer. Special pavilions will be placed to reveal the culture of all the participating countries, having the delegates or the ethnical communities from Iasi as representatives. Representations of traditional Romanian and international dances will also take place, as well as concerts and plays. Events They will be organized for the IASHINGTON delegates, in order to relax them after the learning sessions and to give them the possibility to interact with all the cultures participating at the conference. Especially thought-out for the partners, the networking night has the main objective of creating a connection between them and the speakers present at the conference, as well as other business entities from Iasi. The end of IASHINGTON 2010 will be celebrated with Cocktail Night, where the all the project partners will be introduced and all the discussions, key learning points, initiatives and results during these 7 days of multicultural interaction will be made officially public.
  • Сейчас живёт в:Iaşi
  • Родной город:Iasi , Romania
  • Личный сайт:http://www.iashington.org/2010/


Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 02 июня 2010 года

14 лет 8 месяцев 27 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    AIESEC is the largest student organization in the world, an international platform full of opportunities which helps young people to discover and develop their potential through the Exchange program, in order to become leaders in their own society. AIESEC Iasi wants to draw the world’s attention on the cultural and educational potential of the city by organizing the largest international conference IASHINGTON 2010. The event will transform Iasi during the course of one whole week into a real multicultural capital of the world, offering its inhabitants a unique experience and the opportunity to become culturally sensitive and to think globally

  • Интересы:

    IASHINGTON is a unique initiative in the AIESEC network by being an international conference that offers its participants a complete professional and personal learning experience. The event will allow the participants to interact with nationally and internationally known speakers, who are willing to share relevant information about how to perform and how to build a successful career

Опыт работы и образование

  • Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza


    По каким-то личным соображениям Iashington2010 не желает делиться с другими людьми собственными фотографиями. Будем надеяться, что когда-нибудь он пересмотрит собственное отношение к этому вопросу и порадует мир яркими и жизнерадостными кадрами.

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