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16 лет 6 месяцев 22 дня назад
FanFiction, Anime, Manga
Apocaliptica, The Rasmus, Evanescence, Nightwish, Depeche Mode, Mylène Farmer, Linkin Park, Within Temptation, Amethystium, Vanessa Mae, Green Sun, psyradio.com.ua
House M.D., Ranma 1/2, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Freaky Friday, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Tootsie, Equilibrium, Lie to me, Дом у озера, Pay It Forward, Inception, The Dark Knight, Avatar
Robert Jordan "The Wheel of Time" series, Terry Goodkind "The Sword of Truth" series, Павел Шумил "Слово о драконе", Robert Asprin "Phule's Company", Robert Asprin "Myth" series
Dark clouds obscure the sky. Winds howl. Lightning shatters the night, and a shadowy figure appears in the middle of a raging whirlwind. And then it squeals "Urd-chan!" and starts hugging not only Urd, but her younger half sisters and Keiichi as well. Yep, that would be Hild, Demon Lord of Hell, dropping in to visit her daughter.
"Вернуться невозможно - вместо нас всегда возвращается кто-то другой…" (с) Макс Фрай
Those who fear the Darkness, have yet to see what the Light can do.
"В моём бизнесе существует аксиома: разница, не дающая никакой разницы, не является разницей!" (с) from Caprica
Владение орфографией русского языка сродни владению кунг-фу: истинный мастер не
применяет искусство без необходимости
Когда на твой вопрос отвечает философ, перестаёшь понимать вопрос
the reward for a job well done is another and harder job
Common sense is rarely common
Trust not they who cannot tell the difference between shedding blood to protect others and shedding blood because they can. For they are blind, seeing no difference between a mother killing to protect her child and a lunatic killing the same child for fun
beware one who sees evil everywhere they look – chances are they are looking in a mirror
"Fabricated Ad hoc Inventions Repeatedly Invoked in Efforts to Defend Untenable Scientific Theories" (FAIRIE DUST)
войско, которому суждено победить, сначала побеждает, а потом ищет сражения; войско же, обреченное на поражение, сначала вступает в бой а потом ищет победы (c) Сунь-цзы "Трактат о военном искусстве"
Mercy to the guilty is treason to the innocent (c) Rorschach's Blot, The Meaning of Fear
I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. (c) Stephen Hawking
If you think that sex, any sex, between consenting adults is a greater sin than violence, hatred and war, then as far as I'm concerned you are insane. (c) Sarge4
if an idea is silly and works it's not silly
A man can smile, and smile, and be a villain (c) Shake Spear
всегда найдутся те, у кого шерсть не в ту сторону, что у остальных, и им то же поглаживание получается против шерсти (c) Julia Chugina
It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offence. (c) E.W. Dijkstra