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15 лет 6 месяцев 17 дней назад
linguist, phonetician, phonologist, engineer, researcher, technical translator (only when paid decently). Organisations and interests: Noregs Mållag; Den norske Tibet-komité (The Norwegian Tibet Support Group); minority languages; human rights; animal rights
winter sports, hiking and outdoor activities (skiing!); languages; travelling; aviation and airplanes; cats; astronomy; cooking; many other things
classic; folk (Norwegian, Russian, Jewish and other); some kinds of pop and retro music; Enya (IRL); Жанна Бичевская (RUS); Värttinä (FIN); good film music
Contact (and similar good science fiction), The Lord of the Rings, Schindler's List, films by Akira Kurosawa, Hayao Miyazaki, Aki Kaurismäki, etc.; anything with aviation and airplanes; Maison Ikkoku (めぞん一刻) (Japanese anime serial)
J.R.R. Tolkien, «The Lord of the Rings»; H. Ibsen, «Peer Gynt»; Л.Н. Толстой, «Чем люди живы» (рассказ); etc. etc
popular science programmes; CSI; E.R.; Desperate Housewives
* «Og naar Liderna grønka som Hagar, / naar det laver av Blomar paa Straa, / og naar Næter er ljosa som Dagar, / kann han ingenstad vænare sjaa.» (Ivar Aasen, «Nordmannen»)
* «For pengar kann ein få alt, heiter det. - Nei, ein kann ikkje det. [...] Skalet av alle ting kann ein få for pengar. Men ikkje kjernen; den er ikkje for pengar fal.» «For money you can have everything, they say. - No, you can't. [...] The shell of all things you can have for money. But not the kernel; that is not for sale.» (Arne Garborg, original + my poor translation)
* «Der makti heve rett, heve retten ingi makt.» «Where power has right, right has no power.» (Norwegian proverb, collected by Ivar Aasen)
* «Христос воскрес! Воистину воскрес!»
* «The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.» (George Orwell)
* «If there wasn't [extraterrestrial life in the universe] it'd be an awful waste of space.» (from the movie «Contact»)
* «Tu ne me chercherais pas si tu ne m’avais trouvé.» (Blaise Pascal, «Pensées»)
* «Вы едите её пирог.» (this one will probably be understandable just to three people...)
* «a. No cat has two tails. b. One cat has one tail more than no cat. --> therefore: c. One cat must have three tails.»
* «Умом Россию не понять, / Аршином общим не измерить: / У ней особенная стать — / В Россию можно только верить.» (Фёдор Иванович Тютчев)