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Jouni Ilonen

Был онлайн 10 июня 2024 в 11:15:33

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 18

  • VK ссылка:id17135781
  • О себе:Hola señoras y señores!!! My name is Jouni ’’Jonsku’’. I‘m professonal dancer, model & Dance Instructor e.g Zumba Fitness®, Bailatino®, Ballet, DanceSport (Latin & Standard) & many dance style’s as well. I work differents dance studios in Helsinki area. I love to dance many dance styles. Dancing with music is my temptation for my soul. I dance Ballet & DancesSport, I have tried other dance form as a child (Jazz,Break dance,HIP&HOP...). I have learned to dance technique on Ballet & Dancesport from the best most coaches & teachers e.g. Finland, Estonia, Russia, Slovenia, Latvia,France,America,Cuba, Germany and many other countries. I've been in the top positions in the semi-finals & finals of the Classic/Modern Ballet & DanceSport (Latin & Standard) e.g. SM, GP, Finland Open... I also had to represent the Finnish in National Nordic & Baltic countries Ballet competition. I have performed Swan Lake as Evil witch Von Rothbart demonic familiar, Snow White as Prince, Anna Karenina son, Blue Bird, Le Corsaire and many other ballet variations... I work now HOK-Elanto in Cashier (with little banker), Customer Service and Seller. I'm also Top-Model in Fashion world. I have been in Music Video & also Live Broadcast in TV making dance shows. My family comes from an old Finnish-Karelian (Ilola (Овсяное)) region & also a little bit Russian side as well. My personality is telepathic empathy, happy, emotional, strong, helpful and so on...I'm nature lover and I love wild and home animals; cats,dogs,wolfs,bears,tigers... I love all four seasons of year and I love celebration some times old pagan and modern holidays e.g Samhain, Litha,Mother Day, New Year. I live with my lovely family with mother, grandmother and my cat, She is my little baby sister and soul mate ''familiar/troll cat'' than I would call her as a pet. I like lost of things; reading, dance,future-telling,bodybuilding,model fashion, shamanic Witchcraft, New Age thing ,friendship,soul love, and so on thinks... I dislike violence, racism, terrorism, persecution, injustice, people's who stab your in the back.
  • Ник:jouniilonen
  • День рождения:10.3.1995 (29 лет)
  • Сейчас живёт в:Helsinki
  • Родной город:Iitti
  • Личный сайт:jouniilonendancer.com
  • Источник вдохновения:Music, dance, animals, herbalism, medicine, trational medisine
  • Главное в людях:доброта и честность
  • Главное в жизни:совершенствование мира
  • Отношение к курению:нейтральное



•Couch, Dancer, Model & Masseur⏰💃💎💆‍♂️ •ZIN™Mentor @zumba💃 • Member of STRONG Nation, Lesmills & Herbalife24 💪🏋💊

Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 11 августа 2008 года

16 лет 6 месяцев 23 дня назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Zumba Fitness Party, Dance Actions, Suomen Lähetys Seura, Maria Monde Music video & MTV Live Broadcast in TV.

  • Интересы:

    Classic and modern Ballet and Jazz, Sport-Dance;Ballroom dance (Latin and Standard), Zumba, Bailatino, Future-Telling, Witchcraft, Herbalism, Reading... lot's of thinks

  • Любимая музыка:

    I love every music styles

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Lot's of movies I like

  • Любимые книги:

    I love reading lots old spiritual books e.g Earth religion books, paganism books, shamanism, witchcraft & occult books. I also love reading herbalism books, Traditional medicine books too

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Charmed, Witches of eastwick, Witches of east end, eastwick, xena, merlin, FBI, CIA, The Secret Circle

  • Любимые цитаты:

    1)All the works you are doing good or bad for others will return back to yourself several times.

    2) Be careful what you wish for because it might come true one day.

    3) Knowledge is wisdom and wisdom is power.We have the power to change and manipulate the world to our wishes. Depending on whether good or bad direction to go. The power of change and manipulation need only thing, make, see and speak abilities.

    4)Save and protect mother nature and sky father then they will be save and protect your life.

    5) Love can be a strength, but it can be also a weakness.True love is hard to get, find, or create, because it is not a stimulant what an ordinary love is. True love is it that sacrificed your soul for the benefit of another. True love is the fact that the two souls love and want to be one forever and not just physical love. Every emotions and lifestyle has own weakness and a strength that can manipulate.

    6) This world doesn't have every thing only evil or good. This world is both, because nature is both lovely and cruel or sad and happy. We need both to change things or educational guidance.

    7)Moral star: know what to do, dare to do, will do, know how to be silent and be able to be perfect and to implement those things.

    8)Celebration every day and be as one with the nature cycle, every day is important in your life.

    9)When you make in your life some kind of decision, make it a light warm lovely heart, a spiritual mind and common sense. Only that way you see your future.

    10) ) Your life can be magical or it can be living hell your own actions and thoughts.

    11) Life is like movie and it can be more interesting than tv movies in your action. Everyone is own main actors in own life.

    12)When the two lovers say to each other that they do not care for both their looks. They refer to it that their important thing is to love and enjoy each other's pure soul.

    13)If a wo/man feels him/herself lost inside it means that his/herself own heart is cold black hole and the soul is soulless. This kind of person does not feel anything towards others, he can only pretend to others they knew something about it. Only hate, angry and other negative feelings and emotions she/he can made own body and mind.

    14) If you want help or healing others you must help and healing yourself at first.

    15) You are what you are and be that what you want:doctor, dancer, witch, singer, seller...

    16) Don't never trust anybody only your soul and family is what you can trust.

    17) I love only myself and my family...other' claudia claudia go now Quick if you Can...

Опыт работы и образование

  • Suomen Kansallisoopperan Balettioppilaitos'13
  • 2008–2013
  • Professonal Dancer of Classic Ballet and Modern Ballet/Jazz
  • Helsinki
  • Jollas Instituutti
  • Cashier & Seller
  • Helsinki
  • 2
  • Cashier and Customer Service
  • 2013
  • Zumba® & STRONG by Zumba™
  • 37.9K
  • Dance Instuctor
  • 2015
  • Metal Sport Liikuntakeskus
  • Dance Institutor of Zumba & Bailatino
  • 2016
  • Tapanilan Erä
  • Dance Institutor of Zumba,Bailatino & DanceSport
  • 2013
  • Jouni Ilonen
  • 1


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  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #2 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #3 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #4 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
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  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #10 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
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  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #16 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #17 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #18 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #19 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #20 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #21 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #22 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #23 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #24 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #25 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #26 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #27 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #28 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #29 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #30 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #31 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #32 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #33 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #34 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #35 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #36 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #37 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #38 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #39 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #40 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #41 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #42 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #43 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #44 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #45 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #46 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #47 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #48 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #49 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)
  • Jouni Ilonen фотография #50 (источник - https://vk.com/id17135781)

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