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Катюша Ерофеевская фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Катюша Ерофеевская

Была онлайн 26 мая 2013 в 18:38:26

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 26

  • VK ссылка:id206058980
  • О себе:How many of those with whom you can go to bed, How little those who want to wake up And in the morning, parting smile, And waved and smiled, And all day, worrying, waiting for news. How many of those with whom you can just live, Drink coffee in the morning, talking and arguing Who can go to rest at sea, And, as expected - and in joy and in sorrow Be there ... But it is not love How little those who want to dream! Watch as the swarming clouds in the sky, Write words of love at the first snow, And to think only about the man And happiness is not more and not want to know. As a few of those with whom you can be silent, Who understand at a glance, with a half glance Where it year after year, to give, And whom can you, as a reward, Any pain, any penalty to ... That's the way it weaves gimp - It is easy to meet, without pain to part That's because many of those with whom you can go to bed. All because a few of those with whom you want to wake up .......
  • Ник:qveekymladshaya
  • День рождения:28.8.1999 (25 лет)
  • Сейчас живёт в:, Южноукраинск
  • Личный сайт:http://download.online.ua/skachat/1164/mozilla-firefox-12/
  • Политические взгляды:ультраконсервативные
  • Религиозные взгляды:Православие
  • Источник вдохновения:beauty
  • Главное в людях:юмор и жизнелюбие
  • Главное в жизни:саморазвитие
  • Отношение к курению:резко негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:резко негативное


Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 26 марта 2013 года

11 лет 5 месяцев 15 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Do not tell a lot cmogu, This winter's evening is simple and quiet. I'd never have to see those lips Close, very close to my own. Outside the window, snow and silence. Nothing now I do not need, At half frozen window So sit in the dreamy half-asleep. And through the slumber of you dream of - Old-fashioned, silly and funny And then, ashamed, warm Hot mouth frozen window.

  • Интересы:

    What do you cheat in vain: No, I do not believe the excitement! If you look at times break out passionately If I'll shake his hand - Know: that charm of the old days You woke me elaborate; That other love reminiscence Suddenly my eyes involuntarily reflected. My friend! I am terminally ill - Do not you heal my illness! Maybe I can be loved, But she really can not love! They say there are evil people in the world, Witchcraft are terrible gift; Never pull out much of the breast Irresistible force of their charms; They say that there are words and speech - In them lies the wonderful plot: They say there's fateful meeting There are heavy and evil eye ... It can be seen at the time of his youth passionate, In the best color being I lived with a magician dangerous That at times he jinxed me ... Said the mysterious word My heart for ever spoke, And serious illness and severe Severely poisoned my life ...

  • Любимая музыка:

    Again, in the twilight of night Amid the ropes stretched tight On board this shaky couple We stand and throw each other. The closer to the top of the timber, Worse than stand and hold on Pleasing those fly over land And one closer to the heavens. True, this is a game, and moreover Can go play rock, But life to play the two of us - This happiness, my dear!

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Babe your unpredictability, Of whether it is doubly fragile ... Sincerely look wash-cycle Wind in the head ... the last bridge yesterday's snow falls And I tried to burn it Where talkative bile? Ah, yes .. because you are no longer there ... All strokes .. sketches .. semitone ... Penumbra .. polulyubov with guitar ... Take .. take it all for nothing ... Listen to the sound of mournful hearts .. Pick up the pieces as a designer ... Puzzles ice .. nervous dash ... You are one cold this morning ... Disassemble the void between the lines ...

  • Любимые книги:

    In the morning can not see stars of white slip, Can not hear the whistling of arrows, raised arch And it seems that the city is motionless The maze of eternity floats. But will soon return to the wind bird Not enough to pay off the silver, Thaw out from the cold thinking person There will come a time to light thoughts. And outside the remains of the white lines And a broken wrist in February, The fire of the soul can not even frost Cover, but sleeping still land ...

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Quiet snow whirls on me, Quiet in Tanga I Snow spins. And I loved the night dreaming ... Well, I'm not a nice night snyus. And tomorrow I'll go to the back, Covered with snow path. Well, honey, you're station Send a kiss, do not forget. From me to you is a gift - A birthday envelope painted. Not extinguish a candle my candle, Maybe I'll come in the spring ...

  • Любимые цитаты:

    In the high mountains of the morning,
    Stole the sun.
    And in the house down the terrible fear,
    On fibril.

    Slipped through the old chimney
    Smashed windows.
    And rustled in the darkness of the people.
    Stole the sun!

    And the rain fell in torrents,
    Do not get better.
    Place this fear,
    The black cloud.

    Over thousands of miles in the big water,
    In a deep hole.
    Any touching environment
    Mount Fuji.

    The moment grew round eyes,
    All of the Japanese.
    Cock desperately shouting
    K-in-a-r-a-n-and the sun!

    Gobbler murmured: "A gift A gift ..."
    Not become light.
    Hung on a wall calendar.
    It was summer!

    Lovers fear not scared.
    Neither thunder nor the clouds.
    Passed over the city storm
    And the days of them better!

Опыт работы и образование

  • Школа №1'20
  • 2011–2019
  • beauty
  • Класс: а
  • Южноукраинск
  • beauty
  • beauty
  • 2013–2013


    Катюша время от времени выкладывает свои фотографии. На данный момент она загрузила в сеть 33 отличного кадра. Ниже можно на них посмотреть, хотя, вероятно, это далеко не все снимки.

  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Катюшей Ерофеевской

  • А вот ещё снимки:

  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #2
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #3
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #4
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #5
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #6
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #7
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #8
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #9
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #10
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #11
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #12
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #13
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #14
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #15
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #16
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #17
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #18
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #19
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #20
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #21
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #22
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #23
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #24
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #25
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #26
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #27
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #28
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #29
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #30
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #31
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #32
  • Катюша Ерофеевская фотография #33
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