На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Mado сделал общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Mado 4ever. Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.
alot and alot swimmeng, basket ball and football of curse and i just love playing any sportsedit
romance and true love and all this things which i miss it and i cant find it in this world
i adore the really romance songs i love tamer and mohammed fo2ad 2na hosam habeb and all that songs which i can feel true roance in it i love hamada helals 7 mostafa 2mr 2 i really love th new clip for hosam habeb and my best is tamer's hosnys songs iam with u that tamer him self may b not that good and he need to be more man but his songs is really really good
action and kong fu and horor movies i love ahmed el-sa2a i adore jake chan and jet lee and vandam i really love the really romance moies 3mw & salma, kabtn hema and temr's films i love ahmed helmy soo much too espicially with noor i love mmohamed sa3d 2
i ove reading the best is harry botter, adham sabry and all the adventure stories i like reading alot kinds of books what ever it was romance books is interesting too
angel, nash bridges, lost, alias and martial low
لا اعــرف مـن انــا لا ادرى مــــن اكـــــون !!!
احيانا اعرف من انا و احيانا اجهل من اكون !!!
فإذا علمت من انـا قد لا اقتنـع بمن اكــون !!!
و ان اقـتنـعـت انــا قد لا يقتنـع الآخــــرون !!!
فأعود الى نفسى و جهلى بمن انا ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!