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Magistro Ray фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Magistro Ray

Был онлайн 14 октября 2013 в 00:03:57

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 16

  • VK ссылка:id207032237
  • О себе:Beginning so her first experiences from disck-Jokey in the private parties and subsequently in the discos and in the clubs (Italian Region). Besides it Boasts Of Your Productions in the digital world. Played Expressing To the Best her his Music Together with Dj / Producer :Marco Carola, Ralf, Troy Pierce, Fabrizio Maurizi, Heartthrob,Franz & Shape, Tony Hunfries,Satosci Tomiie,Davide Squillace,Joonny D,MINIMONO,Ion Ludwig,LEE WAN DOWSKI,Massi DL,REBEKA,IDRISS D.UTO KAREM,And More...
  • Ник:magistroray
  • Сейчас живёт в:Pescara
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Главное в жизни:карьера и деньги
  • Отношение к курению:компромиссное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:нейтральное




Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 03 апреля 2013 года

11 лет 7 месяцев 28 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Magistro Ray Dj / Producer Italiano Starts To the age' Of 10 Years to Cultivate her Your Passion With You Music Receiving Lessons Of Guitar (From Your Neighbor), Immediately After you has Started to Frequent Local Of Sunday Afternoon In Your City' Native, Them I Fall in love you Some Vinyl And I Start' to Have The interest For her Disk Music, Collects Today + 11000 Passages.(Vinyl) In 1989 it Has her Your Evening Playing Among Friends Before, from Walls Of House Going out...This way I Start' To Have counted And Knowledges + Strong, 1993 Play In (Intro) To the Underground City of People, A Success of 40m Brings him To Have New sensations...In to Follow him Some Years I Start', To Have called In the Party Of Your Citta'dove Si it Expressed better Always...The Chalets Of Your City' they Hailed it During The summer...in 1996 it Changes Region...(For Personal Motives) A Total Block Of Your Existence...3 years Of Stop...In 2001 I Start' to Make Computer Music Programs Not Still Felt A Long Approach With You Compiuter Music But Without Official Exits.In the Meantime it Plays In the Club and Party... In 2006 you was Contacted For Playing Known PARTY IN THE WOOD Italy Primarily Of the South, it Took back you From the Block, and I Start' So Gradually To Also Play In Emilia Romagna (Cocoricò, Echoes, Prince, Juice Of Juice etc.) Today it Has A Curriculum Of Respect In 2007 you Your Exit Enough Appreciated On (Trace Music Records) It starts so to Also Have Relationships And Knowledges On Label In 2008 it Also Starts to Share The Console With Dj / Producer (Big Artist) Mark Carola, Ralf, Troy Pierce, Fabrizio Maurizi, Heartthrob, Franz & Shape, Tony Hunfries, Satosci Tomiie, Davide Squillace, Joonny D, MINIMONO, Ion Ludwig, LEE WAN DOWSKI, Rocks DL, REBEKA, IDRISS D, UTO KAREM, And More...In 2012 You Your First Release On Code2 Records Germany, Label Di A lot of Artists Dj / Producer Coming From all you Depart her Some World...A lot of they will Be you Go out her On This Label... New Jobs For Others Label In I Plan and Some Out Soon...

  • Любимая музыка:

    Minimal, TechHouse

Опыт работы и образование

  • Code2 Records Germany
  • Dj/Producer/Remixers
  • Cocorico' Network
  • Circle Staff


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