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16 лет 4 месяца 10 дней назад
▪I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows!I love bows! ▪ ♣
▪ sunsets, sunrises, flowers, smiles, Rainbow, Pegasus, fairies, speed, cars, BMV, X5, teddy bears, tea with lemon, koktyli, night, moon, club, you and I, photo, smileys, emoticons, =))), rain, hot chocolate], stroke dog, SpongeBob, Patrick, and I was reckless, screwdriver, Yaga, p-16, bath foam, kina and the last series, Bubbles, moonlight, the light in the end of the tunnel, a coffin, a miracle in the feathers, Poussin, dusty books, old, electric dance music, tectonics, hard, Tresch, Inet-World trash Vkontakte, Chupa Chups, , circa, coca-cola, Pepsi, Skate, SK8, 22, Comedy Club What Niusia asked * Well This is difficult, perhaps buttons, clasps, locks, and every such vidosami Brad) love ya neochen zhistokih people) and which of itself is a building) as much Besik play)) o_O ♣
♥ Skillet, Faktor2, HIM, Dv Street, New merger, POD, evenesance, mr.marilyn, korn, jane air, metallica, blink 182, green day, linkin park, limp biskit, amatory, stIgmaTa, Sum41, HIM, Avril Lavigne, AFI, Mc Noize, Dogma, Quest Pistols, Sugar, Anti Bodies, Animals, Marakesh, Guf, Centr, Noize MC, Lumen, Kish, China origami, dogma, emokorR ♥ ιllιlι.ιl..ιllιlι.ιl..ιllιlι.ιl [►] [►] ___________6______66____66______6_______________________ __________6_________6__6_________6______________________ __________6__________66__________6______________________ ___________6_______6____6_______6_______________________ ____________6____6________6____6________________________ _____________6_6____________6_6_________________________ _____________66______________66_________________________ ___________6___6____________6___6_______________________ _________6______6__________6______6_____________________ ________6666666666666666666666666666____________________ __________________6_______6_____________________________ ___________________6_____6_____________________________________6___6_______________________________ _____________________6_6________________________________ ______________________6_________________________________ ______________6666________9999_____________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66666669999999______________ _______________66666669999999______________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66__________99______________ _______________66__________99______________ ______________6666________9999_____________ ___________________________________________ ____________________6699___________________ _____________________69____________________ _____________________69____________________ _____________________69____________________ _____________________69____________________ _____________________69____________________ ____________________6699___________________ ___________________________________________ _____________66666________99999____________ _____________66___666__999___99____________ _____________66_____6699_____99____________ _____________66______69______99____________ _____________66______69______99____________ _____________66______69______99____________ _____________66______69______99____________ ____________6666____6699____9999___________ ♣
▪ LA ink, Miami ink, ICarly, Drake and Josh, Scary Movie (all parts), American Pie (all parts), very epicheskoe movies, Saw (all parts), curse (1, 2), House of Wax, Horton)), Simpsons, etc. Favorite Books: nach and Nada for me)) I hate it ▪
I only read magazines)♣
I will stay tear
In the wet window
If you squeeze whiskey
breath in expectation
I finally realized I
without you is equally bad (
Was blind ...
buried and
but penalized
Now empty ..
The world has already died and
no me
It with other
The rain in the face
under the feet of slush
rain to talk to you, he whispers:
-Do not cry!
You otvetish:
-You know it hurts! =*
rain says:
-Do not print, rozkazhi me what's wrong?
You litsodozhdyu podstavish quietly say
:-He drugGoOy)
........... ............ O_O Those who live, were born to suffer.
The best moments are short and bought at the cost of long suffering.
Life is always serious, but always live seriously, can.
Life is too serious a thing to talk about it seriously.
They all say "how hard to die." As if living is easy!
Life and Death - is just a puppet. Worth lishobrezat thread ...
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmitted!
Life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as though life is short! Break the rules. Good-bye quickly. Laugh uncontrollably. Kiss slowly. Dance as if nobody is watching. Sing as if no one hears.
After all, life is given to man once. And live it must be so overborne up there and said: Come on repeat !!!!!!!
Life is designed so devilish that not knowing how to hate, can not truly love ...
It is better to have loved and lost than never to love.
Loving - the good, to be loved - schaste.Lyubov - is a toothache in his heart.
You can not love any of the one you fear, no one who is afraid of you.
Love is one, but imitations of it - a thousand.
Love should not be measured as measured by its young, that is the strength of passion, but her loyalty and strength.
Love grass is not treated.
It is hard to love those whom we do not respect, but even harder to love those whom we respect more than themselves.
Someone once loved, he will not love again
Love - is when you cease to exist for all women of the world, except one._______________¶¶¶¶