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Mattie Williams

Была онлайн 17 июля 2012 в 19:53:21

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 12

  • VK ссылка:id178242366
  • О себе:(( FIRST OFF. About the Admin... I am a simple girl, call me Ayo C: This is a RP Account, if you don't like it, dont add. When ever I speak itll be between or before double parenthesis unless said otherwise. Not alot to say here.)) OK... lets attempt this... thing... Madeline ( Mattie ) Williams is your usual FemCanada. Quiet, shy, she /can/ get loud though. When she's mad or well during other things.... anyways, Depending on the RP her age can vary. She is more shy around some people rather than others... Madeline loves syrup and pancakes obviously. but here are some things about her. She has a habit of cracking her knuckles, she is rather talented at drawing, singing, sculpting, ( nearly anything that has to do with art or music ). She plays the Cello and doesnt have the stuttering problem most people think. She can easily go into a Motherly mode, and she is very kind to most, though she will HATE YOUR GUTS if you hurt someone shes close to, she doesnt care if you hurt her unless you hurt her bad. She also dislikes Bossy people, Yelling, and Insults. Even if its a joke. It hurts her bad, and yelling just scares the shit out of her, even if its not directed at her, unless shes doing the yelling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Couples I like: Simply i like anyone with canada. But i can only roleplay Het, because one, I am PERFECTLY FINE with homosexuality, but i do not like to roleplay Yuri. And I am not all that good at rping as males so I can not do Yaoi. My OTP ( or what ever you all call it ) is Russia and Canada though, I don't know why i just think they look nice together, Germany/Austria/Switzerland and Canada is catching up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relationships with others- America- Depending on the Roleplay, she can either Love or Hate him. Example, in a role play where theres supposed to be something like America and Canada fluff, then yes of course she will like her brother. But, If I am supposed to be some type of Snapped!Canada, She will try to beat him with her hockey stick till he's covered in blood. England- She isn't in favor of her Man-Mother but she does love him. He ignored her through out her child hood for america but she fogives him, despite that. Though again, if i am roleplaying Snapped!Canada, she will hurt him. France- Though he is a huge pervert at times, she does love her papa so. She supports him in every way she can, though she will dicipline him if needed. She will most of the time leave the room or even the building if he has a woman, or another man over ( because she is sure he is bisexual. ) Canada( Male )- She and her brother are very much alike, they seem to be quite competitive when it comes to playing hockey though. Sometimes she plays on the same team but most of the time she will play against her brother, this is one of the rare times she will bet money on something, but itll be small, 5 dollars at the most usually. Russia- Her darling husband, Ivan Imaukenotaseme Become-one is the one she loves deeply. He gave her her second child, but was deleted by the Facebook Massecre before the son was born, the son was named Ivan and then Ivan, her husband returned. Other Russias who aren't her husband, she gets along well with. She finds him rather pleasent though others are scared of him. Germany- She likes germany, finds him to be a good friend. She may occasionally show small attraction but she will not stray from the one shes in a relationship with. Prussia- one of them gave her her first child, in which they named John, after they broke up she kept the child. She finds him rather annoying but sweet sometimes. But he reminds her too much of Alfred. Austria- She loves his music, and she herself learned to play the cello so one day they could play together. She really likes him and like germany, she may show small feelings bu
  • День рождения:1.7
  • Сейчас живёт в:Québec


Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 17 июля 2012 года

12 лет 7 месяцев 17 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    hockey, personification of canada


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