
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Майли сделала общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Майли Сайрус. Возможно, когда-нибудь она расскажет про себя немного больше.

Майли Сайрус фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Майли Сайрус

Была онлайн 26 ноября 2011 в 06:18:58

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

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  • VK ссылка:id120457886
  • О себе:About me say a lot more that can be. Miley Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus) was born in Nashville, Tennessee, November 23, 1992. Her father was a famous American country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. Several years ago, Walt Disney Channel has found this beautiful and very musical girl, whose real name is Destin Hope. In 2003 she starred in her first film "Big Fish". Then again and again appeared on the screen. But the greatest fame brought her youth series, in which she played since 2006. The plot is simple: In Kalifrniyu comes very ordinary girl Miley Stewart, the first guy falls in love with the school. And he only thinks about the singer Hannah Montana, not knowing that Miley is the very unreachable star. Mystery of Stuart is known to only a few very close people. But Oliver Twink until their number is not included ... The popularity of this character has led to the fact that Disney took off in his explanation of the film "Concert Tour Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus, who took over in the U.S. one of the highest box office for the first quarter of 2008 It should be noted that almost all the songs written for the movie herself Miley Cyrus. «See You Again» and "7 Things» reached the top ten Billboard Hot 100. And both albums debuted at the Billboard 200. It is no wonder that today, this girl - now the idol of teenagers around the world. Of course, Miley was invited to participate in the Christmas parade of Disney Channel and, according to critics and viewers, she sang the best! At the end of January 2008 Miley Cyrus officially changed her name from Destini Hope Cyrus to Miley Ray Cyrus. In his 15 years, Miley has earned the title of the richest girls teenager (estimated Forbes). Only one year (June 2007 - June 2008). It earned $ 25 million! In addition, she has already acquired its own wax figure at Madame Tussaud's, in July released their third album, Miley-Breakout, read the burial service 69 concerts in a row for his first tour The Best of Both Worlds. Despite his young age, Miley is very concerned about her appearance. She holds special "beauty regime" and confesses: "I'm just crazy in terms of relationship to skin! I do scrub before bed and always check the condition of the skin. I also love to do different procedures for the body to be sure that my skin looks young. "
  • Родной город:los angeles


    Список друзей скрыт пользователем в настройках приватности профиля.

Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 05 января 2011 года

13 лет 10 месяцев 29 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    актриса, певица, не много ещё учусь!

  • Интересы:

    I love to ride a skateboard listen to his music and not just. But still love to give ovtogravy and their fans lovewell I'm just always busy!

  • Любимая музыка:

    I love nis music and many more! а так я любю вас мои дорогие!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Любимые фильмы:

    я люлю волшебники из вэйверли плэйс, дайте сани шанс, зак и коди, джонас!короче весь дисней!!!!!

  • Любимые книги:

    Time is short so rarely read да и не сильно люблю их читать!

  • Любимые телешоу:

    ооооой их много, много!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Любимые цитаты:

    Mahy do not list.

Опыт работы и образование

  • концертный зал
  • вокалистка!!!!;)
  • 2000
  • студия не скажу какая!
  • актриса!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2000
  • студия не скажу какая!
  • актриса!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2000


    Так вышло, что Майли не часто балует окружающий мир собственными фотографиями. Нам остаётся только надеяться на то, что она пересмотрит свою политику касательно этого вопроса и скоро здесь появится больше интересных снимков.

  • Майли Сайрус фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Майли Сайрус

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