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4 года 3 месяца 21 день назад
If you're careless and lazy now and keep putting things off and always deferring the day after which you'll attend to yourself, you won't notice that you're making no progress but you'll live and die as someone quite ordinary.
Очевидное доказать сложнее всего.
Бабы для нас, революционеров, — это, братец ты мой, чистый опиум для народа!
(У этой цитаты историческая ценность. А вообще, осуждаю.)
If our brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't.
Ты чего смеешься, дурацкий идиот?
Language learning is that one thing that is worth being able to do even poorly
Learning things doesn't work like a tech tree in a video game.
The things you think about determine the quality of your mind.
Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
“Dad, am I evil?”
"Worse, you're smart. When you know nothing matters the universe is yours, and I've never met a universe that was into it. The universe is an animal, it grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them |…| You know, smart people get a chance to climb on top and take reality for a ride but it'll never stop trying to throw you. And eventually it will, there's no other way off"
— ...
— ... В этом нет смысла. Неважно, какие у вас мечты и надежды. Неважно, насколько счастливую жизнь вы прожили. Вас всё равно зашибёт камнем. ...
The better we get at getting better, the faster we will get better.
No matter that you have a PhD and have read all of Henry James twice. If you still persist in writing, "Good food at it's best", you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave.
Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect.
Так вышло, что Mikhail не часто балует окружающий мир собственными фотографиями. Нам остаётся только надеяться на то, что он пересмотрит свою политику касательно этого вопроса и скоро здесь появится больше интересных снимков.
Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Mikhail Sholokhov
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