
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Misa сделала общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Misa Amane. Возможно, когда-нибудь она расскажет про себя немного больше.

Misa Amane фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Misa Amane

Была онлайн 27 февраля 2011 в 10:59:38

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 9

  • VK ссылка:id102612979
  • О себе:Misa Amane (弥 海砂 Jap. Amane Misa?) - The heroine of manga, anime series and movies «Death Note». A well-known fashion model who won the contest "Readers' Choice in the magazine" 18. " According to the movie - a popular television presenter. Few would have known her killer, staged a stir at the TV studio "Sakura TV, the second Kira. Grateful for the punishment of the murderer Kira her parents, she is ready to go to any lengths to find him. Yagami Light's falling in love with it twice makes a deal with the god of death, to get the eyes of God of Death and be useful to him. Often talks about himself in third person, calling himself "Misa-Misa". Often wears jewelry in the form of crosses, which could mean that she professes Christianity, or as passionate about the goth subculture. Options Misa - 76 × 51 × 7
  • День рождения:15.12
  • Сейчас живёт в:Tokyo
  • Родной город:Сквер
  • Личный сайт:http://winx4you.forumbb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=538
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Религиозные взгляды:I BELIEVE ONLY YOURSELF


Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 14 октября 2010 года

13 лет 11 месяцев 12 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Interview with Misoy <1. Do you like your real name? (Do you want - call, you want - no) No 2. Living alone / with family? Family 3. Love animals? If yes, then what? Yes love, the family cat and fish 4. Do you like shopping? Not when that something urgently needs to buy, but just to walk, to buy that like? Yes 5. How many hours a day do you usually spend on a dream? Like to sleep a little longer? Yes, I like to sleep very much, I can sleep at any time of day 6. What are your relationships with others? Normal 7. That means to you the concept of "loneliness"? How do you feel about it? Loneliness is when you are alone (as corny), it is even like 8. How often do you show your emotions? And anyway, what a feeling most peculiar to you emotionally? Yes, very often, the joy and nenavits 9. What to do for a living? If you are studying, who plan to become in the future? I'm learning, I want to work in law enforcement, there is a detective type 10. List your hobbies. Sleep, internet, anime, reading, walking, listening to music 11. What would you call your own vocation? Detective work! 12. What is your favorite food. Very sweet love! 13. Your strengths. Fairness, honesty, kindness, pride 14. Your weaknesses. Sloth 15. Which elements do you prefer? Fire 16. You are very selfish? Yes 17. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Pessimist 18. What are you listening? On the mood 19. Which of the four temperament types you belong? Choleric 20. Do you have friends? And lots of it? There are enough that would not be bored 21. How many years do you feel? At 18 22. What is your attitude to religion? Respectful 23. As far as you are sensitive to heat and cold? I do not like not no other, the mood is generally poor. I love cool but not cold, heat, and no heat 24. What literature do you prefer? Humorous 25. In which country would you like to live? In England, Japan or Italy 26. Your favorite color. Black, gray, blue, violet 27. How do you feel about housework?Well, eat, cook, wash floors, dust, wipe ... I can not stand 28. What qualities do you attract and repel those around you in public? Honesty and kindness are attracted, repelled by the hypocrisy of course 29. Your voice - low or high? You like it? High, I like 30. Recall the most vivid moments in my life - sad, happy, embarrassing, pretentious - makes no difference. I do not remember 31. Theoretically - you kill, if need be? Yes 32. What would you do if for you came upon a notebook? Also the most that Light 33. Like to talk a lot? Which topic of conversation do you prefer? Love, in different ways 34. You are punctual? Yes 35. There are bad habits? Yes 36. Favorite quote. According to the rules? Pff, where they are, these rules, and where I am! Parents are constantly knocked out of me crap. But I always knew where to get more. 37. What would like to change about yourself? Do not be so gullible 38. What to pay attention - on clearance, or on point? Ina and then to other parts 2. Fandomnye questions. 1. Your favorite moments of the anime / manga. Where Light writes the names, and where L eats sweets 2. How would you change the story? Kira was alive, everyone is happy. Takada generally in the plot does not appear, Matt just alive. 3. On whose side would you be - Kira or detectives? Or just a bystander? KIRA !!!!!!! 4. Who are the characters you be friends? With Mette 5. And with whom, on the contrary, could never get along? With Nia 6. Who are the characters you cute? L, Light, Matt 7. And who is unpleasant? Nia 8. Who would the characters you'd like to see his mentor? Light 9. And finally - on whom the characters exactly-not exactly look like? It is desirable to justify. Nia, I'm funny and emotional, rather than boring albino

  • Интересы:

    similar activities)

  • Любимая музыка:


  • Любимые фильмы:

    "Death Note"

  • Любимые книги:


  • Любимые телешоу:

    I do not watch them

  • Любимые цитаты:

    According to the rules? Pff, where they are, these rules, and where I am!

Опыт работы и образование

  • 東大 (Todai)'16
  • 文学部 (Letters)
  • 思想文化学科 (Thought and Culture Studies)
  • Очное отделение
  • Студентка (специалист)
  • あきる野市立一の谷小学校 (Akiruno Ichinotani Elementary School)'13
  • 1999–2013
  • YES
  • Tokyo
  • иииии
  • голос
  • 2003–2007


    Misa время от времени выкладывает свои фотографии. На данный момент она загрузила в сеть 15 отличных кадров. Ниже можно на них посмотреть, хотя, вероятно, это далеко не все снимки.

  • Misa Amane фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Misa Amane

  • А вот ещё снимки:

  • Misa Amane фотография #2 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #3 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #4 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #5 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #6 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #7 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #8 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #9 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #10 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #11 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #12 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #13 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #14 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)
  • Misa Amane фотография #15 (источник - https://vk.com/id102612979)

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