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2 года 2 месяца 6 дней назад
swimming, cycling, tennis
They really are the three R's reading, writing and 'rithmetic
Coldplay, Supertramp, Styx, Evanescence, Kino, Avril Lavigne, Sia, SYML
Inception Interstellar I Origins
If I could only take 10 books to a desert island, as if I had not read them before but in anticipation of their value, these would be my book list. ~~~~~~~~~ Highly Immersive (the un-put-downable criterion) ~~~~~~~~~ Charles Dickens, Christmas Carol ~~~~~~~~~ Isaac Asimov, I Robot ~~~~~~~~~ Gordon Rattray-Taylor, Natural History of the Mind ~~~~~~~~~ Jeffrey Satinover, Truth behind the Bible Code ~~~~~~~~~ Jostein Gaarder, Sophie's World ~~~~~~~~~ Leo Tolstoy, Katia ~~~~~~~~~ Patricia St. John, The Victor ~~~~~~~~~ Sholem Asch, Mary ~~~~~~~~~ Trevanian, Shibumi ~~~~~~~~~ Victor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ I've had a quick think now and added 2 more to choose the top 10 from - noted the later books with a (L) prefix here - and in the 2nd nearly-ran books (L) ~~~~~~~~~ Richard Bach, Bridge Across Forever (L) ~~~~~~~~~ Danielle Steel, Perfect Stranger ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ nearly-ran books ... Very memorable (from a much longer list, but these spring to mind at present) ~~~~~~~~~ Curt Thompson, Anatomy of the Soul ~~~~~~~~~ Edwin Abbott, Flatland ~~~~~~~~~ Matthew Byrne, When Heaven Looked Upward ~~~~~~~~~ Mary Midgley, Science as Salvation - A Modern Myth ~~~~~~~~~ Richard Feynman, Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman! ~~~~~~~~~ Simon Winchester, Professor and the Madman ~~~~~~~~~ Victor Frankl, An Introduction to Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (L) ~~~~~~~~~ Danielle Steel, The Ring (L) ~~~~~~~~~ Paulo Coelho, Zahir
Queens Gambit The Manifest Disenchantment
I am, therefore I think