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14 лет 9 месяцев 13 дней назад
(Sic)monic; A Black Rose Burial; A Day To Remember; A Night In Texas; A Skylit Drive; Abandon All Ships!; Abduktio; After The Burial; Agnostic Front; ALCEST; All Shall Perish; Amber Sea; American Hi-Fi; Amidst the Grave's Demons; Amorphis; Anaal Nathrakh; Andromida; Animals as Leaders; Annisokay; Annotations Of An Autopsy; Anup Sastry; Any Given Day; Architects; Aristeia; As Blood Runs Black; As I Lay Dying; As Winter Burns White; Asking Alexandria; Askira; Attack Attack!; Attila; August Burns Red; Auras; Avenged Sevenfold; Aversions Crown; Aviana; Away From Here; Bad Omens; Belie My Burial; Bellusira; Betraying The Martyrs; Beyond All Recognition; Bionic Ghost Kids; Black Lab; Bleeding Nature; Bless The Fall; Bless The Fallen; Blood Stain Child; Born Of Osiris; Breakdown of Sanity; Breathe Carolina; Bring Me The Horizon; Broadway; Brujeria; Buried In Verona; Bury Tomorrow; Burzum; Caliban; Capture The Crown; Carcer City; Carnifex; Casino Madrid; Catherine; Cease Upon The Capitol; Celldweller; Change of Loyalty; Chelsea Grin; Children Of Bodom; Chimara; Circle Of Contempt; City In The Sea; Coldplay; Confession; Crematory; Crossfaith; Cry Excess; Cry Of The Afflicted; Crystal Lake; Currents; D Creation; Dagoba; Dark Age; Dark Tranquility; Darkness Dynamite; Darkseed; Despised Icon; Devil Sold His Soul; Devil You Know; Digital Summer; Disbelief; Disfear; Dissection; Dreamshade; Drop Dead Gorgeous; Dry Kill Logic; Dying Diva; Ease Of Disgust; Elitist; Emarosa; Embraced By Hatred; Emergence; Emmure; Empirine; Enshine; Equilibrium; Erra; Eskimo Callboy; ESO; Evanescence; Evergreen Terrace; Every new Day; Fallujah; Fear Factory; Fear Of Domination; Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas; Feed Her To The Sharks; Finsterforst; Fit For An Autopsy; Forevermore; Foxblood; Fuck Your Shadow From Behind; Galactic Pegasus; Gift Giver; God Is An Astronaut; Greeley Estates; Harakiri for the Sky; He is Legend; Heart In Hand; Heaven Shall Burn; Herrschaft; Hills Have Eyes; Hope In Hand; Hypocrisy; I See Stars; I Set My Friens On Fire; I The Breather; If I Were You; Immortal; In Fear And Faith; In Hearts Wake; Insomnium; Invent, Animate; Ion Dissonance; It Prevails; iwrestledabearonce; Jamie's Elsewhere; Jarrod Alonge; Job For A Cowboy; Jynx; Kadinja; Kakuna Vs Metapod; Killswitch Engage; Kvelertak; Lifeforms; Lord Belial; Lorelei; Lorna Shore; M83; Mailman; Make Them Suffer; Make Way For Man; Maximum the Hormone; Mayhem; Mechina; Mera; Miss May I; Missing in Alaska; Modern Day Babylon; Monuments; MoonSpell; Motionless In White; MoulinRouge; My Aim; My City My Secret; My Last Fall; Napoleon; Nasty; Neberu; Netherless; Never See Tomorrow; Nickelback; Northlane; Now and On Earth; Nuestroctubre; NYVES; Oceans Ate Alaska; Of Mice And Men; On Broken Wings; P.O.D.; Pendulum; Periphery; Periphery; Plasma; Poets Of The Fall; Polaris; Reach The Shore; Ready, Set, Fall!; Red Seas Fire; Remute; Rings Of Saturn; Rise Against; Salvation for Me; Saosin; Scandroid; Sean Hall; Secret And Whisper; Shade Empire; Sienna Skies; Silent Descent; Sirens & Sailors; Skuggsja; Society's Plague; Spiritbox; Stabwound; Stories; Structures; Suidakra; Sylar; System Divide; Tear Out The Heart; Tell You What Now; TerraFirma; Terraform; Tesseract; Texas In July; The Afterimage; The Air I Breathe; The Algorithm; The Amity Affliction; The Birthday Massacre; The Black Acadia Mourning; The Black Dahlia Murder; The Breathing Process; The Cab; The Contortionist; The Crimson Armada; The Devil Wears Prada; The Drake Equation; The Ghost Inside; The Holy Guile; The Last Charge; The Last Of Our Kind; The Luna Sequence; The Northern; The Raven Autarchy; The Room Colored Charlatan; The Royal; The Wise Man's Fear; The Word Alive; Theory Of A Dead Man; This Is Sparta!; Those Who Fear; Thrust Moment; Tiamat; To Each His Own; Trojans; Two Steps From Hell; Tyrant Of Death; Upon A Burning Body; Us, From Outside; Veil of Maya; Vitalism; Volumes; Wage War; Waking the Cadaver; Walking Dead On Broadway; War Of Ages; We Butter The Bread With Butter; We Came As Romans; Wecollectskies; While She Sleeps; White Fox Society; Whitechapel; Wind Walkers; Within the Ruins; Woe, Is Me; Zephyr
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