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10 лет 5 месяцев 17 дней назад
My favorite activities are outdoor activities. I like camping, hiking, exploring creeks, horseback riding, biking, or just walking enjoying all the wonderful things God has made. I love animals of all kinds, domestic or wild. I am multi-talented which I thank the Lord daily for each of my talents. For indoor activities I can knit and crochet, macrame, make bead jewelry, make quilts, do counted cross stitch, etc. I am a pretty good cook. I like baking cookies and other such goodies.
My interest are mainly singing, acting, dancing, (sanctuary choir, solos, and productions), biking, working out, victory motorcycles(they rule!), sports: nascar (Ryan Newman the rocket man), pro-football (Jacksonville jaguars & Cleveland browns), pro-basketball (the cleveland cavaliers), pro baseball (the cleveland indians), college football (the buckeyes & the gators), high school football- the massillon tigers, history, science, concerts, museums, cultural events like the highland games, and times with family & friends
Praise & worship, contemporary christian, christian rock, country, smooth jazz, pop, and classical.
Mostly Disney-beauty & the beast is my favorite, ice age, robots & other animated movies, the chronicles of Narnia, the passion of the Christ, the end of the spear, lord the rings, brave heart. conspiracy theory, the patriot, forever young, the last samurai, gladiator, master and commander, walk in the clouds, the lake house, scarlet, invincible, various super hero movies and SC-fi movies like: fantastic four, batman begins, superman returns, the hulk, daredevil, minority report, mimic, planet of the apes(new version), King Kong(also new version) and cheesy old "b" horror movies- (they're hilarious), mars attacks and napoleon dynamite.
The bible(amplified verse.), The divine romance-by gene Edwards, the purpose driven life-by rick warren. Snow. It's about Turkey and the conflicts in that country. Religion, politics, race. Love learning about other parts of the world and seeing our similarities and differences. I guess it would be a Veranda Magazine about home decor.
Star-gate sg-1 & Atlantis, history channel, military channel, boomerang, ESPN. wwe raw, smack down, cop shows, comedy show, and discovery
Bible Verse:.... Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God
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