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16 лет 10 месяцев 14 дней назад
Hospitality Club (HC), Couch Surfing (CS), , International Humanist Ethical Youth Organisation (IHEYO)
music, interesting films
12 Angry Men, Bicentennial Man, Waking Life, The Elephant Man, Full Metal Jacket, Masculin Feminin, Labyrinth, Saint, Contact, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Bicentennial Man, Patch Adams, Run Lola Run (or Lola rennt, 1998), The Princess Warrior, The Heaven (by Tom Tykwer), Life is Beautiful, Sicko, The Lives of Others [or Leben der Anderen, Das (2006)], The Princess Bride, Bowling for Columbine, Matrix, Before Sunrise, Scent of a Woman, and many more
Authority and the individual, The unbearable lightness of being, Sophie's World, Alice in the wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, Animal Farm, 1984, Cosmos, Contact, Billions & bilions, The age of spiritual machines, The last question (essay/short story by Issac Asimov), In praise of idleness and other essays, Authority and the individual, and anything by, Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan
Be good and you will be lonely. - Mark Twain
Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts. - Einstein
Physics is like doing sex! Sure it can give practical results, but that's not why we do it. - Richard Feynman (American Nobel-Prize winning Physicist)
Let reason be thy guide, And then do not be afraid to wherever it may lead you!
Bombing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity!