
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Selena сделала общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Selena Gomez. Возможно, когда-нибудь она расскажет про себя немного больше.

Selena Gomez фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Selena Gomez

Была онлайн 10 сентября 2012 в 04:19:03

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 74

  • VK ссылка:id128243109
  • О себе:I am singer,actress,musician, drummer,ambassador of good will,the author of songs and of course comedian!!!Tall, slender girl. Beautiful face, but may seem a bit childish and naive, but it is not. Beautiful eyes - dark blue. Bottomless and simply enchanting. Smooth motion, like a dance. Eyes are dyed. Likes brightly painted eyeliner, but do not abuse it. Lips are always covered with a transparent gloss or pink lipstick. Hair beautiful and dark. Loves to stick out or tie in the tail. She dressed neatly and stylishly. Sport and timely. Loves trendy and funky clothes. Favorite colors - red and purple. Wears high heels or ballet flats. His hair is sometimes possible to see the bezel. Likes skirts, but also could easily wear pants or jeans. Not indifferent to the various jewelry. Character, tastes, habits Selena's character is quite simple. With it you can easily get along, she will not swear for no particular reason, but if the person she is not agreeable, then tell him so in person, there will be nothing to conceal. Sufficiently open girl. Can not say that she's kind, since it depends on the people around her. Positive and nice. Cheerful and sociable. Maybe a bit selfish, but in his heart good. Brave, finds a way out of almost any situation. Not once panicked, madly loves adventure. Just a girl likes sweets. Or rather a very sweet tooth. Still loves to sing and dream, but it is virtually no time. Just loves to sit in a circle of close and communicate. It is easy to find friends. Lives of division: "Life is given to man once and live it must be so up there ohereli and said:" Come on repeat! "It is absolutely crazy and no brakes. She also wants to be independent and no one could depend. "Be yourself, there is no one better!"
  • Ник:official_selena_gomez_vk_page
  • День рождения:22.7.1992 (31 год)
  • Сейчас живёт в:США, Los Angeles
  • Родной город:Dallas,Grand Prairie
  • Личный сайт:http://vkontakte.ru/id128243109 http://www.youtube.com/selenagomez http://www.myspace.com/selenagomez http://www.twitter.com/selenagomez http://www.facebook.com/dreamoutloud http://www.facebook.com/Selena
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Религиозные взгляды:Orthodoxy
  • Источник вдохновения:Music
  • Главное в людях:доброта и честность
  • Главное в жизни:семья и дети
  • Отношение к курению:негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:негативное


Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 05 февраля 2011 года

13 лет 5 месяцев 7 дней назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    I participate in the program of the united NATIONS (United Nations) - UNICEF

  • Интересы:

    I love my career!!!and I do not want to lose it!!!I also love singing...but I also write songs and play on the different musical instruments!!!in general, the life of me a hard but good!!!!!

  • Любимая музыка:

    I can long time to list what I like!!!(well, just so love Who Says, Band Paramore, Fall Out Boy

  • Любимые фильмы:

    I can endless list them!!!

  • Любимые книги:

    so all :)

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Hannah Montana, give Sunny chance, Wizards of Waverly place, princess protection Program, etc...I have a very busy schedule and do not have time to read except that the script Любимые игры: I do not know, not a little to play, but although detsyave ..

  • Любимые цитаты:

    * "I was never one of those girls who try to imitate others and be on them similar in appearance. I think, you'll look better, if you are in the side of the masses"
    * "I'm going to be in the group, and not be involved around itself. And I don't want to be a solo artist. Basically I want to make fun music, under which will be fun and the kids and the parents. Just to spend a good time"
    * "Be yourself, there is no one better!"
    * "I really don't like to dress up. Some people probably think that if you're an actress, it means to dress up. I almost always go in jeans"
    * "I once said: "Dad, I want to ring purity". He went to the church and received the blessing. He thinks that I can give young people an example. I'm going to keep my promise, I want to be honest with themselves, my family and God."hi all can deytelnost: I'm a girl was filmed for the movie Wizards of Waverley Place, and participated in the give Sunny a chancel
    Любимые фильмы:
    I love movies in which snimlas myself and the rest secretly

Опыт работы и образование

  • Daniels Elementary School'10
  • 2006–2010
  • schoolgirl
  • Grand Prairie


    Selena охотно делится своими фотографиями. На данный момент она загрузила в сеть 467 снимков. Ниже представлены некоторые из них (но на самом деле их значительно больше).

  • Selena Gomez фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Selena Gomez

  • А вот ещё снимки:

  • Selena Gomez фотография #2
  • Selena Gomez фотография #3
  • Selena Gomez фотография #4
  • Selena Gomez фотография #5
  • Selena Gomez фотография #6
  • Selena Gomez фотография #7
  • Selena Gomez фотография #8
  • Selena Gomez фотография #9
  • Selena Gomez фотография #10
  • Selena Gomez фотография #11
  • Selena Gomez фотография #12
  • Selena Gomez фотография #13
  • Selena Gomez фотография #14
  • Selena Gomez фотография #15
  • Selena Gomez фотография #16
  • Selena Gomez фотография #17
  • Selena Gomez фотография #18
  • Selena Gomez фотография #19
  • Selena Gomez фотография #20
  • Selena Gomez фотография #21
  • Selena Gomez фотография #22
  • Selena Gomez фотография #23
  • Selena Gomez фотография #24
  • Selena Gomez фотография #25
  • Selena Gomez фотография #26
  • Selena Gomez фотография #27
  • Selena Gomez фотография #28
  • Selena Gomez фотография #29
  • Selena Gomez фотография #30
  • Selena Gomez фотография #31
  • Selena Gomez фотография #32
  • Selena Gomez фотография #33
  • Selena Gomez фотография #34
  • Selena Gomez фотография #35
  • Selena Gomez фотография #36
  • Selena Gomez фотография #37
  • Selena Gomez фотография #38
  • Selena Gomez фотография #39
  • Selena Gomez фотография #40
  • Selena Gomez фотография #41
  • Selena Gomez фотография #42
  • Selena Gomez фотография #43
  • Selena Gomez фотография #44
  • Selena Gomez фотография #45
  • Selena Gomez фотография #46
  • Selena Gomez фотография #47
  • Selena Gomez фотография #48
  • Selena Gomez фотография #49
  • Selena Gomez фотография #50
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