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17 лет 5 месяцев 1 день назад
" Парни, давайте боп уже играть, а то денег нифига не заработаем.....!!!) "
"You speak nothing but Bebop in this class." (Ed Tomassi)
"280? that's a ballad!!" (Ed Tomassi)
"You gotta buy every album Trane evah played on... even some he didn't!"(Ed Tomassi)
"Coltrane listened to Bartok....that's the shit...cats ya dig? That's the shit!!!!" (Ed Tomassi)
"Look, Red Rodney was a good bop trumpet player, but he went into jail for three years. Unfortunately, when he was out, Bebop was OVER!" (Ed Tomassi)
Place your hands on the instrument, avoid unneсessary movement and then sing.(Beethoven)
"You wanna play good, practice slow... you wanna play better, practice slower"
"You arrive late to the gig.... fired, you don't know your tunes... fired, you can't play shit on the tunes... fired, you don't listen to the rhythm section... fired, you don't play the shit out of your horn... fired, you don't swing your ass off... FIRED!"