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17 лет 4 месяца 20 дней назад
Властелин абсурда, Бог Хаоса масштабов небольшой жестяной баночки из-под детского питания, Ищущий еду и Смотрящий в экран
Marvel, X-files, Warhammer 40k, X-men, Star Wars, Action Figures, Baldur's Gate, Forgotten Realms
Nightwish, Эпидемия, Rammstein, Король и Шут, классика, игровые мелодии разных жанров
Эквилибриум, Бэтмен: Начало, Темный Рыцарь, сага Звездные Войны, трилогия X-Men, Заводной Апельсин, по комиксам
Кое-что из классики. В настоящий момент - трилогия "Инквизитор"
Doctor Who, Supernatural, etc
"You can suck my ectoplasmic Schwanzstücke!"
Dr. Johann Krauss (Hellboy 2)
"Not without incident."
John Preston (Equilibrium)
"I'm sure most of the men in the galaxy are familiar with the sinking feeling that accompanies the words "Do you think you could do me a little favour, darling?", but when the woman asking the question is an inquisitor it's even less wise than usual to say "No"."
Ciaphas Cain (Duty Calls)
"An Inquisitorial mandate tends to impress people; probably something to do with all those seals."
Amberley Vail (Duty Calls)
"Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Amberley Vail (Duty Calls)
"Trust no one, mister Moulder."
Deep Throat (X-files)
"There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty."
Inquisitor Lord Fyodor Karamazov
"Come now, Cheshire. Look at me. Do I look like I have any interest in children? Now making them... Well, that's another story."