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16 лет 11 месяцев 8 дней назад
figure skating, formula 1, occasional football
Илья Ильф и Евгений Петров; Ивлин Во; А.П. Чехов; Ф.М. Достоевский; Л.Н. Толстой; Аркадий Аверченко; Борис Васильев; Джейн Остин; Элизабет Гаскелл; Ирвин Шоу; Роальд Даль; Эмиль Золя; Ги Де Мопассан; Анри Мюрже; И.С. Тургенев; М.Булгаков "Белая Гвардия" ("Дни Турбиных"); В.Гроссман "Жизнь и судьба"; Фредерик Бегбедер; Макс Фриш
You, Me & the Apocalypse; ER, Dead like me, the IT Crowd, Community, Misfits, Grandma's House, Downton Abbey, the Hour, Robin Hood, FM, Moone Boy, Spy, Call the Midwife, Army Wives, Plebs, Friday Night Dinner, Game of Thrones, Miranda, Vicious, Gavin and Stacey, Elementary, Royal Pains, Eli Stone, Grantchester, Pushing Daisies, Marcella, Houdini&Doyle, Episodes, Orphan Black, the Office
Let's pop some corn. Let's porn some coc.
"Being a champion of the world is like winning a Stanley Cup. Except women like it too," - Jeff Buttle.
[0:32] nathalie_ten:
«< Вы мой луч)
А они темное царство— nathalie_ten, Today 0:32
[22:42:23] Наталья Тен: Смайлы лучше мужиков
Наталья 23:15:17
Satisfy my lust, bitch.
"It's alright, to live alone - you just have to make plans. That's what I've realised. Because if you live alone and you don't make plans, here's what happens: you wake up and it just gets darker". Simon Amstell
"No-one knows what it means, but it's provocative" - Blades of Glory
"Мужики да, но у них есть разное пиво))" - Наталья
"Dear, that might be presumptuous - that's my favorite kind of this"
"I had a wonderful time today. No one stared at me or avoided staring at me or tried to burn me"
"Being a burden is great. It's like my... seventh favorite thing to be"
"Ты глуп", — хотел я ему ответить, но удержался и только пожал плечами. ("Герой нашего времени")