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О себе:Interested in studying abroad in the United States? Consider the University of South Carolina!
The University of South Carolina Office of International Programs works to recruit students to come study at the university. We travel all over the world to Education Fairs and events to promote the University of South Carolina and the many programs we have available to study.
At the University of South Carolina, International Programs enhances the university's global dimensions through our work with students, faculty and staff. The International Programs administrative office develops initiatives with other institutions around the world, facilitates international collaboration and exchange agreements, and supports the international activities of colleges and departments across campus. The Study Abroad Office advises students about international study, while promoting, developing and administering the university's study abroad and student exchange programs. International Student Services provides guidance and assistance to international students at the university and manages immigration regulatory affairs related to students.
Сейчас живёт в:Columbia
Родной город:Columbia, SC
Личный сайт:http://www.ip.sc.edu
Дата регистрации ВКонтакте
Страница VK была создана 10 июня 2013 года
11 лет 5 месяцев 6 дней назад
Опыт работы и образование
University of South Carolina-Columbia
College of Arts and Sciences
U. Of South Carolina
University of South Carolina
International Programs
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