
На этой странице анализируются те данные, которые Wayne сделал общедоступными. Сейчас найдена такая информация о Wayne Rooney. Возможно, когда-нибудь он расскажет про себя немного больше.

Wayne Rooney фото со страницы ВКонтакте

Wayne Rooney

Был онлайн 01 января 2013 в 10:10:37

Анализ профиля ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 176

  • VK ссылка:id170090995
  • О себе:ootball - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!
  • День рождения:24.10.1985 (38 лет)
  • Сейчас живёт в:Ангилья, The Valley
  • Родной город:England, Krokstes,
  • Личный сайт: Top Secret
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Главное в людях:красота и здоровье
  • Главное в жизни:семья и дети
  • Отношение к курению:нейтральное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:нейтральное


    Список друзей скрыт пользователем в настройках приватности профиля.

Дата регистрации ВКонтакте

Страница VK была создана 08 апреля 2012 года

12 лет 5 месяцев 22 дня назад

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Интересы:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Любимая музыка:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Любимые книги:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Football - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

  • Любимые цитаты:

    ootball - is more than a sport! Football - that's life! Football - a passion! Football - a drug! Football - it's just a game "- we say after a defeat of their favorite team. But this is not true. Football - it's art! Football - a svoebrazny language that binds Millions of people all over the world! Football - is when twenty-two do not drink, smoke, make healthy choices and are constantly engaged in sports. And thousands of other people for their sick, drink, smoke and spoil the nerves and the health of each other:) Football - a game that knows no pauses and does not tolerate the stops! Football - it does not work, it works! Football - a secondary male sexual characteristics! Football - a man's war where the battle - a holiday, and the victory - joy! Football - is the best invention of mankind! Football - it's oxygen. Subtract it from me, and I choke!

Опыт работы и образование

  • Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School
  • Old Trafford
  • Forward
  • 2005


    Wayne время от времени выкладывает свои фотографии. На данный момент он загрузил в сеть 14 отличных кадров. Ниже можно на них посмотреть, хотя, вероятно, это далеко не все снимки.

  • Wayne Rooney фотография #1

    Одна из последних фотографий, загруженная Wayne Rooney

  • А вот ещё снимки:

  • Wayne Rooney фотография #2 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #3 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #4 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #5 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #6 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #7 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #8 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #9 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #10 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #11 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #12 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #13 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
  • Wayne Rooney фотография #14 (источник - https://vk.com/id170090995)
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