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14 лет 6 месяцев 5 дней назад
music, traveling, languages, cooking, sports, dancing, vocal, songwriting, poetry, nature, yoga, mental and physical development, aroma candles, psychology, history of ancient civilizations, parties, event management, ice-hockey, skating, web-design/programming, etc
Vacuum, Darren Hayes, Savage Garden, Billy Idol, Sugarplum Fairy, Espen Lind, David Sylvian, Nouveau Riche, Depeche Mode, Coldplay, George Michael, Army Of Lovers, La Bouche, No Mercy, Sergey Lazarev, Amr Diab, Muse, A-Ha, Grotesco, Kraftwerk, U2, Kamelot, Live, Silverchair, oldies, 80-90's, electronica, synthie, lounge, live&acoustic, pop, rock, metal, soul and another wide random of unlisted things:)
too many to list. According to this Flixter thing, I have like 360+ Ratings and 57+ Reviews so far
Save water - shower with friends and drink vodka! :)
You can see and you can touch but not so hard and not too much... (c)
And then some really good ones:
"Life's like a play: it's not the length but the excellence of the acting that matters". Seneca
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in" M. Schwartz
"Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth". P.Picasso
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty". W.Churchill
"True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable". D.T. Gentry
"Vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet" (The uttered voice flies; the written letter remains)
"Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination." Roy M Goodman